I am 24 years old.
I have had hypochondria since I was 11.
But kept it to myself.

When I turned 19. It's been crazy.
Now I'm 24 and I am a mess.

I am constantly worried about everything.
I can't leave my couch because I am so depressed and scared.

I have anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, and the doctor wanted to treat me for bi polar but I refused to be on lithium .

Anyways. I am a total mess. I used I binge drink.

My first panic attack I got when I was 15. I was pressured into smoking marijuana with a group of girls I barley knew. I smoked it and I got a terrible anxiety attack. I was shaking, crying, thinking I was going to die. It was terrible. Well I survived that. Then I started smoking more.

Well anyways. It's. Been 3 months I haven't smoked or drank anymore. I keep worrying about my health.

The doctor has prescribed me Ritalin for my ADHD.

Ritalin really helps me concentrate and think. It's awesome. But Everytime I take Ritalin I am afraid I am going to die.
I am
The type of girl I am afraid of medicines and side effects.

I am scared of getting a heart attack. I am scared of getting a stroke. I am scared of getting a brain anyuraim. I am scared so scared of getting high blood pressure.

I keep getting a throbbing feeling in my head and I am afraid im going to get. A stroke.

I just can't stop thinking negativity. This just sucks. It's ruining my life. My friends would LOVE to be prescribed Ritalin so they can party with it and stuff. But not me!!! I'm not normal. I am afraid of medicine but I need it . Everytime I take it I am afraid today I will die :((

This is sad . I want to enjoy my life. I want to smile and be happy .
I can't smile anymore. And I am always holding my breath I can't breathe right because I am always scared and stressed :(((

I start school next month college. And I am afraid I won't be able to stay in te classroom because when I am in a big group of people I get terrible anxiety and I feel like everyone and everything is fake and not real. My heart starts to race and I worry and panic, and I am Afraid im
Going to die in front of everyone.

I haven't exercises since high s,cool. I am scared of exercising. I feel like there is no hope for me. I feel like something bad will happen to me soon. And I am scared and can't stop panicking :((

My dad had a heart attack and he survived . He was smoking cigarettes since he was 12. He doesnt eat veggies. Or work outZ

My uncle died of a heart attack in his. 40s he also smoked cigarettes when he was young till he died . Didn't eat healthy or work out.

My grandpa had a stroke but i don't know why.

My mom has a muscle diseases .

My mom had a mini stroke but she didn't work out daily.

My mom had high choleestroal but treated it by changing her diet.

My grandma died of a heart attack but I think it's because thy didn't eat healthy or work out.

I am sooooo scared I will be next .

I am terrified :(((((((((((

I can't stop thinking about heart attacks and stroke.

I can't take This anymore. I am paranoid!!!!!!!!