Well when i was at the doctors surgery yesterday (suprise suprise) i noticed on the pin board a poster that said " Talking changes" and under neath it said about it been a free nhs self referall service for people who suffer with anxiety, panic attacks, agrophobia, ocd, depression etc... and anyway when i got back i looked on the internet and it said they offer help, like therapy and meetings and the come and see u at a venue of choice and/or gp surgery and its obviously like cbt therapy,

anyway i rang the number and i have an appointment for a phone chat type thing for 30 mins in feb to assess me and then arrange for a meeting and the best person who will be able to help me, and i asked whats the difference from doing it this was as apposed to been referred by the doctor and its just because it cuts waiting lists of 18 months etc and its a new service apparantly.

I have been waiting for ages to hear something for cbt and now from doing it myself i feel positive. Im sure it will be available around the country and not just northeast england so if anyone is intrested in this its maybe worth a shot