My first post of many I would think, Hello to you all.

I'm into my 9th week of what I can describe as minor panic attacks. I can only recall two major attacks (No one has had an attack like this type of feeling). I also had a fearful experience when driving to work and then a horrendous journey back. Since I had these two, not so major but fearful attacks in my car I did start to get very uncomfotable and tense when doing any driving. The only driving I was able todo was at night (sounded abit odd to me as driving tends to be more effort at night) and to areas I knew well, since becoming slightly better Iam able to drive alittle during the day but I need a purpose to drive, I can't just get in and drive for the sake of it or I start to get uncomfortable. I work 30 miles from home and have been driving without any accidents or problems. Two things I did notice when driving that seem to also affect me anytime is this bloatedness, it isn't what I remember of butterflies or churning with my stomach. It's very strange and it is similar to the effect a large meal has, this has made me not eat as much as I usually would and often a small meal can lead to this bloatedness and then an uncomfortable period of time. Leading to problems controlling my breathing (I have to physically remember to breathe).

Also if I may speak of my fears. I have had fearful moments when talking to people, this can be with family, friends or strangers. This usually ends up in a shortness of breath and I'm unable to finish a sentence due to this. I have become alittle withdrawn because of the effect and what I can call abit anti-social ie not spending time with my family, friends. I must add that I have no embarrassment letting people know that Iam currently dealing with attacks of panic.

Reading back I chuckled to myself as I did start with the intention of wanting to ask advice on this bloated feeling and have whisked through afew of my problems. I need to add that I was given Inderal la by my doctor 1x80mg per day and I'm really not sure if the medication has helped me. When I think of Beta Blockers it makes me feel like I'm suppressing my natural heart rate which in turn makes me worry. Lastly, I remember back to having what the doctor called very minor attacks of panic when lying in bed trying to get to sleep, which was similar to the feeling you get as you nod off but jump awake. In my case I was gasping for breath as I startled awake. Since then I have problems getting to sleep and find myself staying awake until the early hours. I know this cannot be any good for me.

Any help in my ever increasing list will be so very welcome. (You must have stamina to get through all this)
