Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has found any meds effective in combatting agoraphobia. I started having panic attacks 5 years ago which led to agoraphobia and I became housebound. I have a support worker with whom I do exposure therapy which was going well for the last 6 months. However, I have had a setback the last 4 weeks and it has made me very down because I feel Ive lost all the ground I'd made. Although I am on 40mg prozac for ocd, the agoraphobia has really got to me. It is probably the most isolating thing ever. I have a re-assessment of my meds next week via psychiatrist home visit as I really can't lose my place on exposure therapy. It scares me to think they will just leave me housebound for the next thirty years of my life - 'you had your chance to get better, now tough luck' kinda thing. I keep thinking about that when I question how much am I willing to put up with the side effects of meds. I also want to have one baby in this lifetime (I put it off thinking I would wait until I got better and could come off meds now it is the eleventh hour!). I would be grateful to hear of others experiences with meds and exposure therapy. Has anyone tried lyrica or buspar or upped their fluoxetine to 60mg? Any feedback welcomely received. I know its a bit long... but thanks for reading x