Hi everyone!

I have been plagued by slight giddyness/dizziness/lightheadedness for the last 3/4 years, each time i go to the doctor about it im told its anxiety and not anything else, i know i have health anxiety, brought on by my mums young sudden death, but im fed up with the doctor blaming my anxiety for anything and everything i go there with.
I have often described my dizziness like this - in supermarkets, looking down aisles they sometimes look longer than they are and looking at shelves gives me the same sensation like my vision has "zoomed" in or out for a split second.
Once or twice while driving or being in a car when a few cars in a row close together come towards us i get the same "zoomy" sensation and then i start to have an anxiety attack as obviously i am scared it causes an accident. The last time it happened it was dark and the lights seems to make it ten times worse.
Out walking alongside low walls or tall walls i feel like im walking squint,like im swaying while walking, like ive had a few drinks, i really hate this and its stopped me from going out.
If im watching television and they show a scene where the camera pans round a person or object it makes me feel like im on a roundabout.
In a crowd of people or even a queue, seeing lots of people moving around gives me the zoomy, swaying, slight dizzy feeling.

I have been looking on the internet, i know i shouldnt but im at the end of my tether with this, andi found an article on "Vertical Vertigo" i will paste the colum below :

Visual vertigo

Some people find that certain visual surroundings can trigger dizziness, or make existing dizziness and balance problems worse. For example, some people feel disorientated and dizzy in supermarkets when they are surrounded by tall stacked shelves, or in crowded train stations when they are surrounded by people.

Others find that the sight of fast-moving or spinning objects can cause dizziness or make their dizziness worse. People might experience dizziness in a car when they see fast-moving scenery out of the window, or when they see fast-paced action on a TV or cinema screen.

People might also experience dizziness when they are adjusting to new prescription glasses or contact lenses.

Visual vertigo can also occur if people are experiencing problems like reduced or blurred vision. You should speak with your GP, optician or specialist if you experience problems with your vision.

Now this is exactly what i have been feeling!!!! I have had slight blurred vision lately too but i put that down to turning 40 recently LOL. I cant seem to find much on how to treat this but im going to take it to the doc and she what she says.
I knew it wasnt just anxiety!!!

here is the link to the article if anyone wants to have a look, there are things on different types of dizziness, it may be a help. ive had a quick read through the page and there is nothing nasty on there
