i know i have posted on this befoe but i have had a pain in me leg for a few days now and yesterday i started to get all panicky and sweaty so i couldnt take the fear anymore and went to hospital

they did blood pressure, normal, pulse, normal, oxygen levels, 100% and temperature, 36. they did a ecg which they said was normal and " perfect" chest xray all normal. they would not do a d dimer blood test as they said there was no need. but i cant help but feel they may have missed something

i have woke up this morning coughing, or a feeling that im gonna and spat up a wee bit of blood, all of which ive done before but im putting 2 and 2 together and getting loads more

nicola, meg , lisa, anyone who knows, do you think they could have missed it or does anyone know why they wouldnt have did it

thanks in advance
