Hi all,

Well mental healt went great and well lets just say we went over our hour session and we had to arrange to meet up again next week...i just found myself letting it all just come out to him i felt safe there something i havent felt in a long time...we went over some of my past events we covered alot of things and i was even comfy that when he asked to see my cuts i showed him a few...he's gave me numbers that i can ring if i need help and well when i got outside of the building after i felt something else i havent felt in a while! Do you know what that is?............... It was hope that i will be better soon.

The only bad thing is that when i went and as i was stayin out last night at a friends when everyone had gone to bed i found myself sitting there not really paying attention to the film i was watchin i cant even remember the name of it either! Just thinking about my past (yeah i know i shouldnt sit and think too much but i just couldnt help it) and all these emotions just came flooding out of my eyes....For some reason even though i had people txting me and ringing me whilst this was happening i didnt tell a soul about how i was feeling as it seemed like everyone was having a bad night and i didnt want to make it worse for anyone.

I will keep you posted on how i get along andi will even try to do some nice positive poems about it aswell.

Speak soon guys

Hugs for all
love yas
