Hello again

I have suffered gad and panic for many years . First panic attack was after heavy drinking at age 18 , im 55 now .
Anyway its said that we get wiser with age and I wanted to share with you my experience with meditation and spiritual teachings, namely buddism . I have been a Christian all my life and still am but I have found something profoundly more comforting with the way that buddism works . I have only been practicing for 2 Months but already I am feeling much much better . I do not wish to preach,however I personally have always believed that my anxiety comes form too much thinking/worrying/analysing/judging/criticizing/.... on and on the list goes .
For years ive had physical pain all over my body and I have recently learned that its been caused by my own mind causing an over stimulation of adrenalin , holding in muscles everywhere . Anyway i now know it all starts with one single negative thought which feeds another and another ( its a habit we dont know its going on UNTIL we look inside and watch ) . Something quite amazing happens when we " watch the thinker " we calm down our body lets go of some tension and with continued practice at " emptying the mind" of useless thinking
we start to see the world more clearly , at least this is how its working for me , I am slowing everything down , my ribs dont hurt for the first time in years .
I have tried a hundred different things to beat this horrible affliction and now believe I have found one that really works but I need to put the work in to get results . Letting go is the key ,letting go of attachment to too many negative things and thoughts , as I say I dont wish to preach as I really am just scratching the surface but i know this is what will free me from a lifetime of nervous suffering .

