
I've been to see the doctor recently as following the birth of our first baby I've not been able to sleep. Ironically our daughter sleeps really well, but it seems something has flipped in my brain and I'm unable to switch off.

For the past 7 weeks I've been having 2 - 4 hours sleep per night. I'm now starting to show signs of depression and have anxiety/panic attacks numerous times each day. I honestly can't say that any one thing is worrying me and can't think of any reason why I should feel like this: I should be really happy.

I saw a doctor 2 weeks ago who prescribed 80mg propranolol (beta blocker) and 50mg trazodone at night. I don't feel like the beta-blocker has had any effect, and whilst the trazodone sends me to sleep - I seem to consistently wake 3 hours after taking it and can't sleep after.

I'll be seeing a doctor again next week, and would welcome any feedback you have about these questions:
1. Its only been 7 weeks, but I can't see a way out of this as things are getting worse. Am I expecting too much too soon?
2. Are there any drugs which are non-dependency-forming which can help? I worry that taking drugs will be a hard habit to break.
3. Can you recommend any relaxation techniques to help empty the mind, as when I lie in bed my mind starts racing and my body shaking?

