Hi robin, Nice to see you post again.

I am doing so so at the moment on pregabalin still only on 3x75mg a day have asked my doctor about increasing it to 300mg but she told me no, As i am finding that it seems to be not doing the job as well as it was (i have started to be naughty and have started drinking again after 15 months on the wagon).

Must admit got really hammered last night as it felt like i was drinking water and i forgot myself got in a 1am but this morning my panic attack seem to be getting stronger again.

My doctor gave me some diazapam 2mg to try when i start to have a panic attack but have yet to try them as have a real fear of starting something new (as it was took me over 2 months to pick up the courage to take pregabalin).

So i know i must not start down the long road of drinking again (just needed to let of some steam) But starting to feel like I am failing.