Hello, I hope you are well. Thanks for clicking to read my post. I thought I'd introduce myself and say hello..

So my story......I guess I'll start with the first ever panic attack 2 months ago, in the office, out of no where, scariest thing I have ever experienced. Proud to say I have not had a panic attack since, but I get all the other symptons, the tight chest, breatlessness, and the worst which I hate - my racing heart. It doesn't just race, it thumps with such powerful force I feel it allover, like its gona burst out of my chest. Guess this happens twice a week, have not found a reason why this started yet. Most times I can calm myself down just to prevent my heartbeat from going crazy, for the times I cannot control it - I am on Propranolol 40mg, but found the side effects too much, so I take half - 20mg when needed - so far only twice and 20mg is just right.

I guess I know the cause, suppressed feelings, emotions, had a heavyily emotional year last year, I guess it was going to catch up with me, and this mixed in with other stuff. Avoidance is a bad thing.

Anyway, i thought I was going to die, and this is the start of my reason to go at 28, but then I found this site. I cannot explain what a comfort it is to see I am not alone. Its horrible that we even have to experience such events, but its great we can share and help eachother along.

So thank you, I look forward to contributing what I can, and learning from others.

Bambi x