Hi everyone,

I'm going on holiday in 7 weeks and havent yet organised insurance. I tried to do it online today but I dont know whether I'm supposed to inform them that I'm being treated for anxiety/depression. One website I was on actually stated that they wouldnt provide cover for anyone suffering from depression/anxiety (which i thought was a bit harsh). So do you think its relevant or not? Sorry I know this is probably a stupid question, my hubby thinks I should say nothing as he doesnt see what difference it makes. But then I worry about the 'what ifs'. And I dont relish the idea of having to 'declare' my depression to a complete stranger on the telephone either! Then before long I've tied myself in knots....a simple decision and I cant even do that....and another 7 weeks of this to go!!!

Any thoughts anyone?

Coni x

Coni X