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Thread: Going back on Citalopram

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Going back on Citalopram

    I was on it from November to May, but came off it myself after being fed up of feeling lethargic all the time. But that may have been me telling myself that I felt tired. After all back in January I was doing all sorts of exercise whilst on Cit and didn't feel tired.

    I have had a bad relapse though and despite my efforts to try to just deal with it myself I don't know if I can.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Going back on Citalopram

    Sorry to hear about the relapse. It's good to know the Cit' can help and is always there to go back on, maybe you just needed to be on it longer?

    The lethargy could well be reduced by the combination of exercise, good sleep and eating well. It's just getting going and doing all these things that can be hard especially if we are in a funk.

    I need to take my own advice on this matter. I have been quite a slob since I got anxious/depressed again in December, got down to 12.5 stone, gym 4-5 times a week, ate really healthy, back troubles reduced and felt great.

    Since then I'm back up to 15.5 stone, no exercise, eat like a pig on junk, back trouble flaring up due to laying around all day and feel generally unhealthy!

    But I can change all this and will now the Citalopram has me back functioning again and know I will love it and feel great.

    I hope you can do the same Mouse?


  3. #3

    Re: Going back on Citalopram

    Good message and topic - just what I was looking for. I went on Cit in Nov 2011 - initially 10 then 20 then 30 mg. Great initial improvement and I too started back to the gym after 2 yr absence...felt much better in that I did not feel same level of anxiety and depression. However I did experiment with time of day when I would take dose - usually late pm and more recently I have reduced dose but anxiety came back in big style.
    The reason I was looking to alter things were I was sleeping too long, no energy, no gym, slower thought process (if any)....some thing not right.
    Last week I went back to talk to my doctor and we agreed that I should reduce to 20 mg and now take in the morning.
    Within a few days big improvement in energy levels and sleeping less....need for food has increased.
    This weekend = need to sleep has again increased - I feel better but I am now wondering if I should reduce dose again. I do not think 10 mg units allow enough flexibility to fine tune the correct dose.

    Mouse, a lot of blather but I hope some may help you...rather than come off I suggest you could fine tune to find the right dose for you.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Going back on Citalopram

    Picked up the prescription but have changed my mind, I'm not going to take it, I remember how it made me feel and how it did not do much to help my anxiety.

    I'm going to try to get more CBT instead and try to do other things to help my anxiety.

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