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Thread: middle of the night...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    middle of the night...

    Hi all

    I have been woken from my sleep by this dreadful itching, but it's in one particlar place, on my left inside forearm.

    Once I woke I went into full on sweating and shaking and complete 9 out of 10 panic attack, dizzy, bad stomach, the whole works... flushing all over. I am so worried that my mouth is going to swell up and I'm going to choke. I feel like I am having a full on allergic reaction to something and might have anaphylactic shock.

    I went to sleep feeling pretty calm and positive. How does anxiety do this to you in your sleep? I'm so frightened. I know I pushed myself today, but why does it come out in me like this - if that's what it is?

    Why is there no-one to talk to in the middle of the night for people like us? This is when we need reassurance but who can you call?

    The more I tried to stay in bed and do my relaxation exercises and visualisations the worse I got. I had even taken a little bit of a sleeping tablet, and hardly ever in my life remember waking up once I have done that. My stomach is horrendous. Pure acid and the big D.

    I am so fed up with dealing with weird symptoms like this, not feeling sure they are anxiety, always wondering if there is some physical cause. Anyone without anxiety who woke up like this would just assume there was something wrong and call a doctor. But doctors don't come out anyway any more do they....

    Roll on the morning and a little normality.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , USA.
    I get that arm itching thing a lot also. And of course, I also get scared that I am having some sort of allergic reaction. It all makes sense... you had the itch, then panicked. Panic attacks at night are the hardest to handle. They seem so intense... They feel like how I would imagine dying to feel. I dont have any wise words of wisdom... other than just to let you know you are not alone... Try to put hydracordisone on your arm... it will help with the itching.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________
    "I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

    "This too shall pass..."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Iwp!

    I was just starting to think (having been up for 2 hours now and reading every post on every bit of the site!) that no-one else in the world had ever manifested the itching thing!! I've been struggling with the itching for a few weeks, but it wasn't panicking me... it's so hard to get a grip in the middle of the night and believe it really isn't anything serious going on!

    Health anxiety is so exhausting!

    Thanks for answering me!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Fee

    Sounds like a pretty horrible night for you. It is true that it can be pretty isolating being awake at night with no one to call or to talk to. I used to regularly be up at that time of night but I have to force myself to go to bed earlier now I have to get up for the clinic.

    How are you feeling this morning?

    If you are desperate to talk to someone The Samaritans are available 24 hours and are not just there for people who are feeling suicidal.

    I had some weird dreams last night and am feeling a bit down this morning, but maybe that's related to going to the clinic this morning. Anyway, I hope you have a better day. It's pouring of rain again here today.

    Karen xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Morning Karen

    I still feel lousy and just don't understand it... I had managed to convince myself that the rash had been made worse by getting cold yesterday but honestly in the night it was dreadful - well it still is, little itchy spots all over my legs, bright red....

    I can't believe people have to put up with it but apparently 'hives' which can be caused by all sorts of things, from allergies to stress to infections are really really common. I just have to learn to cope with it i expect. I didn't know you could itch that much though!!!

    If it weren't for that I would be ok - it's just the fear of it spreading or affecting my throat that worries me.

    I have counselling this morning - maybe she can advise me what i can do. Just feel like I want to be put in a white rooms, all cotton, with nothing except mineral water and organic fruit and veg to eat so i can find out if something in particular is causing it!!

    Exhausted and tormented of Brighton:(

    Hope you are ok hun xxxxxxxx


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    fee you are sooo right health anxiety is soooo exausting, ended up in casualty yesterday i was so afraid of the symtoms. still not convinced they havent missed something or not tested me because they always put it down to anxiety.

    you are not alone god i wish it would end

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Aww hun - everything seems worse in the dark doesn't it (except agoraphobia in my case - if we were nearer we could go out for midnight walks and deal with all our problems at the same time)!!

    Do you feel any better this morning??

    Piglet xx

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jackie

    I have been to A&E with the heart palps/pains etc several times, although not for years now - I hope that's a comfort to you! In my 30s it happened loads, I would be up all night... It's very frightening but it does pass and all the exercises you can find on here really do work eventually - although I do take beta-blockers which stopped the ectopic beats.

    I hope you are feeling a little better - you are definitely not alone with those symptoms!

    Take care xxxx


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Piglet

    I feel a little better than I did in the night of course, but i just wish I could work out why this is happening or what I can do about it. Who knew itching could be so awful... I think it's the trying to work out what might be causing it that is sending me potty as well....

    I hope this counsellor this morning knows her onions!!!

    How are you today? Yes it would be nice to live nearby - that hippy commune is starting sound pretty good to me! lol



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    hippy comun, first i heard of it. count me in, hope you all like kids!


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