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Thread: Feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.


    was talking to my cbt therapist, she told me to write it all down and work through it. the next time I see my cbt therapist I have the info ready to go onto 3 mind maps. She knew something was wrong when I spoke to her on the phone. she could tell. here goes.

    am suppose to recognize when going from a high to a low and being in-between. for some reason, I didn't notice. to have a look at what happened what may have caused it. and anything else that causing me problems.

    right now I feel alright, after resting for couple of days again.

    can get so weak, exhausted. don't know what part of it is bi-polar or not. (not sure).

    I got all muddled, then started to go down the spirally slop, felt so tired, was not refreshed when waking up. was more tired when woke up.

    Felt so exhausted, so burnt out, my whole body was in agony, the pain was terrible. (any time in the past of being burnt out, dont get the pain with it).

    I couldn't understand it what was causing me to feel so exhausted. I kept pushing myself to do my voluntary work.

    but had to in the end take time off. to get well again. pushed myself to the limits. when started to climb out of the pit, well that's what I think it was a depression pit, started to feel better, however left with sore aching joints at my elbows and shoulders and whole arms are sore. when the pain covers the whole arms its so draining.

    now that part I don't think is bi-polar.

    the first part is, the muddled, going into a depression pit, but I didn't feel depressed. (could have been depressed, that's what cbt therapist says)

    I've been exhausted before, burnt out, but not left with sore arms. gee my arms are weak as it is, don't need this on top of it. (was born with a form of weakness in my arms and legs). this on top of it, not right.

    there something I can no longer do, though I still make my arm do it, just so darn sore to do so. its disabling.

    I was the one that suggested to cbt therapist we do 3 mind maps, this helps to see what could have happened. I like to write it down before going to cbt therapy, then when I've got it mind mapped can take it to the drs, cause I'll have a clear picture of what I want to tell my gp.

    ---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

    Now that I've written down what how I felt, and still feel at times exhausted. now to work out what caused it to start.

    I know that I took on something more than I can cope with. just need to find out what that was. I thought it was one thing, until I thought about something else. gee, seems I took on more than I thought I took on. just need to work out what it was. which caused me to get muddled etc...
    All things are possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    So sorry Yvonne, I do hope you start to feel better soon.
    Every blessed day we wake up to the fullness of pristine purity and innocense free from the pain of the past and fear of the future. 'Carlos Santana'


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyDog View Post
    So sorry Yvonne, I do hope you start to feel better soon.
    Thank you Bobbydog, for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

    my wee light bulb just went on, to see it finally written down, I know what caused me to go down the slipper slop. I went from rwa which was once a month to doing serving at lunch club once a week for reaching out to older adults. I felt weak while working there. gosh. with all the other things I added on top of that, didn't help. now I know that type of career not for me. over and above my credit union which is twice a week.
    All things are possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    Quote Originally Posted by yvonne_uk_98 View Post
    Thank you Bobbydog, for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

    my wee light bulb just went on, to see it finally written down, I know what caused me to go down the slipper slop. I went from rwa which was once a month to doing serving at lunch club once a week for reaching out to older adults. I felt weak while working there. gosh. with all the other things I added on top of that, didn't help. now I know that type of career not for me. over and above my credit union which is twice a week.
    I think you need to slow down a little, let your body and brain catch up with you.

    take care of yourself.
    Every blessed day we wake up to the fullness of pristine purity and innocense free from the pain of the past and fear of the future. 'Carlos Santana'


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    Hi Bobbydog,

    Thanks for your kind words, maybe your right. though, part of the day feel alright, then all of a sudden feel so exhausted and drained which is so painful. need to make the appointment with my gp.
    All things are possible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    Dear Yvonne are you on mood stabilisers for your bipolar? These drugs can definitely slow you down? I am on lithium and this slows me down sometimes. There isn't much you can do about this but try to eat healthily and sleep. EJ

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.


    yes on flupentixol, it only helps with keeping my mood stable, the part were I go to the extremes, my libido, helps to keeps that low at times.

    with this exhausting feeling and the pain is horrible. never had pain with being exhausted before. usually get the drained feeling, no pain with it. this is a nightmare.

    ---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

    went for asleep, woke up with the phone ringing, it was my sister, she home from work. wanted to know did I get up on time this morning, no slept in, and still made it to my friends to pick up my soap powder for 180 washes. my sister asked when did I leave hers, round about 10am. had to be in Renfrew for 9am, was so tired. when got to Renfrew at my friends, she wanted me to go in to her house, oh no couldn't, didn't have the energy to do so. all wanted to do was go home and rest.

    got home then rested for a while. then had to go and get my shopping. when got home, was so tired out.

    feel bit better than earlier. though still sore and drained. going to phone gp tomorrow, hopefully I'll get up in time to phone. I better not sleep in tomorrow, my son goes back to school, got credit union. hopefully no sleep in.
    All things are possible.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2009

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    my son woke me up an hour early to make sure I would be up, bless him for that. I was extremely tired this morning took me whole hour and half to waken up, would usually take an hour for me to wake up. felt so drained this morning, now feel little better. still drained, didn't manage to phone drs, as we left the house before 8.30am, the gp I would like to see is on Mon,wed & thurs, phone then.

    started my mind mapping, so far done 2, maybe only need 2. need to talk to cbt therapist. going to give her a call.
    All things are possible.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    My cbt therapy appointment been brought forward for tomorrow at 3pm, thank goodness for that.

    started to make a list of what I'm going to drop of what I took on last. going to go back to rwa, not as a committee member, this way not to take on too much, going to ask If I can continue to keep the website up to date and check the emails, as I do all this from home. it much easier.

    that's what am into. part of my interests.

    my name is on the waiting list to helping people move on in their life's, its something I'm good at.

    I love helping people.
    All things are possible.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: feeling so exhausted/high's & lows.

    Be kind to yourself and look after yourself as well as you take care of others I hope that your CBT appointment goes well tomorrow

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