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Thread: Pulse in my eye

  1. #11

    Re: Pulse in my eye


    i am really new to this site although i have looked at it several times for different things but this morning i woke with this pulsing in my eyes exactly the same, as described i have had it on and off for years now, I can see my pulse in bottome of both eyes beating in time with my heart beat especially if i look at white walls or anything light, i too have had all checks on my eyes, but i do suffer with migraine and i have glaucoma in both eyes and a cataract - but through all these checks when i have mentioned to consultants etc the pulsing no-one knows what i am talking about so its obviously not anything to do with eye disease as such, why i have woken up like this this morning i dont know, just completely freaked out now but i am so glad (i dont mean glad you have it cos its horrible) but glad that i am not the only one with this, i have calmed down now hope this helps - its has helped me, i know the post/thread is old not sure quite how this works yet) but thanks.


  2. #12

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    It is reassuring to read your posts and know that I am not alone and if I can be of some help, it does appear that the eye pulsing is most likely NOT life threatening. I would decribe mine as a pulsing at the edge of my vision, both eyes; sometimes a little darkening but usually translucent and most noticeable looking at brightly lit surfaces. Oh yeah, it usually is in sync with my tinnitus

    I have recently been to my regular eye doctor who referred me to a retinal specialist. After all of their testing (dialation followed by pressure checks, veins, retina, macula check, etc) they can find nothing wrong except for a slight astigmatism and the usual age-related presbyopia (losing near focus). The retinal specialist said it's probably not blood pressure since I'm not hypertensive (high bp) but for some other people it cetainly could be a contributing factor; couple that with the fact that it's my entire field of vision and he says my eyes are a-ok. He suggested that I'm probably more "sensitive" to it and noticing it but that sometimes anxiety can also cause that effect. I asked if it could have something to do with the astigmatism or my eyes trying to constantly focus and he said probably not; he suggested I try relaxing and/or ignoring it as I'm just freaking myself out.

  3. #13

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    Hi everyone,

    I have this problem, too. When mine happens, my vision gets extremely dim, each time my heart beats (it's like a power surge). Imagine installing a competition-grade stereo system in a car that has a bad battery. Then, turn on the headlights and crank up the stereo. With every beat of the music (you know, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!), your headlights get so dim, that they almost turn off, each time the bass hits (typical "guy" analogy - hehe).

    In addition, there are times, when my upper body throbs/lunges, with each heartbeat. People have actually remarked on this, before.

    I also suffer from MANY other (related?) symptoms, and have had them, for a very long time. Some of my related symptoms include:

    Vasospasm - where my nipples, toes, fingers (and other extremities), turn white. This usually happens, when I'm cold.

    Migraine - I get these, without the headaches. I get wavy lines, in my peripheral vision, similar to the haze that you sometimes see, when you pump gasoline (or, how it looks, when it is really hot and humid outside - imagine the desert).

    Neuropathy - I get "pins and needles" pain, in my hands and feet, like when you sit on your legs and they "fall asleep" - that's what I feel, 24 hours a day.

    Pain in my legs - I get this horrible pain in my legs, when it's cold outside or if I've been on my feet for too long.

    Edema - my whole body is swollen, with fluid, especially my feet and legs - what's weird is, the right side of my body is MUCH larger than the left side. I look like one half of one person, stitched to one half of another person.

    Seizures - lately, I've been having seizures (mainly on the left side of my body), which occur many times a day. I "spaz" up, on the left side of my body (from head to toe).

    Floaters - I see silver, floating stars, in my vision, at different times throughout the day, even at rest.

    Dyslexia - Lately, I have been transposing letters and numbers, when typing or reading (not just a little, either - I do it a lot).

    Hyperekplexia (Exaggerated Startle Response) - I've had this, since birth, but lately, it has been a lot worse - Imagine yourself walking down a deserted road, late at night, just after having seen a horror movie about axe murderers on dark, deserted roads - and, then, someone jumps out, from behind a tree, at you! Think about what your reaction would be, and that's what I do, when I hear the slightest sound or if I notice someone walk into a room. And, I'm talking about someone that I live with, in my own home, just casually walking from one room to another, just minding their own business. I gasp, clutch my chest, as if I am having a Heart Attack, and shake nervously. It's a horrible feeling, to have on a regular basis!

    These are just a few of the things that are going on with me. Every system in my body is malfunctioning. In fact, all of my organs are swollen. I don't know why this is, but I would owe my life to the person who ever figures it out. My best guess is that something is causing the Vasospasm, and I believe that the Vasospasm is responsible for all of the symptoms that I've been having. And, whatever this illness is, I agree with my Doctor, in that, I've had this illness, all of my life. Several of my Doctors believe that I have some type of non-transmittable Auto-Immune Disease, but none of them know which one. They all agree that there is no cure and no treatment, however. I have to disagree; I believe that it's something simple that is causing the Vasospasm, like some type of Disease involving the blood vessels.

    For those, who are interested in reading about ALL of my symptoms and diagnosed illnesses & disorders (as well as photos, lab results and test results), please feel free to visit my web page, at .

    I look forward to reading your responses. Have a great day. :-)

  4. #14

    Unhappy Re: Pulse in my eye

    Quote Originally Posted by beadbabe View Post
    Hi there
    I am having a really weird problem that I can find no information about. I can see my pulse in my eye. I am aware of it mostly in brightly lit conditions or at the computer, but in my right eye I can see it sorting of pulsing in time with my heartbeat. It is so obvious I could count my pulse by concentrating on this - it is very distracting. Of course I am starting to worry about all sorts of serious things...
    I have had an ophthalmologist look in my eyes and they said nothing wrong. But it is still there, it's been there a couple of months now.
    Has anyone else had this?


    Hi, I wanted to let you know that it is possible that you have some vitreous detaching. This can be a sign of full retinal detachment and can cause blindness. Please go see an eye doctor. I have had the same problem and now have a large "web floater" in my left eye. It causes me a lot of problems as I can not see through it well enough to read, when it is in the way. I need to find an eye doctor, as well, as I am very worried, because I have another flashing pulse in my eye.

  5. #15

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    Quote Originally Posted by joewise View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I have this problem, too. When mine happens, my vision gets extremely dim, each time my heart beats (it's like a power surge). Imagine installing a competition-grade stereo system in a car that has a bad battery. Then, turn on the headlights and crank up the stereo. With every beat of the music (you know, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!), your headlights get so dim, that they almost turn off, each time the bass hits (typical "guy" analogy - hehe).

    In addition, there are times, when my upper body throbs/lunges, with each heartbeat. People have actually remarked on this, before.

    I also suffer from MANY other (related?) symptoms, and have had them, for a very long time. Some of my related symptoms include:

    Vasospasm - where my nipples, toes, fingers (and other extremities), turn white. This usually happens, when I'm cold.

    Migraine - I get these, without the headaches. I get wavy lines, in my peripheral vision, similar to the haze that you sometimes see, when you pump gasoline (or, how it looks, when it is really hot and humid outside - imagine the desert).

    Neuropathy - I get "pins and needles" pain, in my hands and feet, like when you sit on your legs and they "fall asleep" - that's what I feel, 24 hours a day.

    Pain in my legs - I get this horrible pain in my legs, when it's cold outside or if I've been on my feet for too long.

    Edema - my whole body is swollen, with fluid, especially my feet and legs - what's weird is, the right side of my body is MUCH larger than the left side. I look like one half of one person, stitched to one half of another person.

    Seizures - lately, I've been having seizures (mainly on the left side of my body), which occur many times a day. I "spaz" up, on the left side of my body (from head to toe).

    Floaters - I see silver, floating stars, in my vision, at different times throughout the day, even at rest.

    Dyslexia - Lately, I have been transposing letters and numbers, when typing or reading (not just a little, either - I do it a lot).

    Hyperekplexia (Exaggerated Startle Response) - I've had this, since birth, but lately, it has been a lot worse - Imagine yourself walking down a deserted road, late at night, just after having seen a horror movie about axe murderers on dark, deserted roads - and, then, someone jumps out, from behind a tree, at you! Think about what your reaction would be, and that's what I do, when I hear the slightest sound or if I notice someone walk into a room. And, I'm talking about someone that I live with, in my own home, just casually walking from one room to another, just minding their own business. I gasp, clutch my chest, as if I am having a Heart Attack, and shake nervously. It's a horrible feeling, to have on a regular basis!

    These are just a few of the things that are going on with me. Every system in my body is malfunctioning. In fact, all of my organs are swollen. I don't know why this is, but I would owe my life to the person who ever figures it out. My best guess is that something is causing the Vasospasm, and I believe that the Vasospasm is responsible for all of the symptoms that I've been having. And, whatever this illness is, I agree with my Doctor, in that, I've had this illness, all of my life. Several of my Doctors believe that I have some type of non-transmittable Auto-Immune Disease, but none of them know which one. They all agree that there is no cure and no treatment, however. I have to disagree; I believe that it's something simple that is causing the Vasospasm, like some type of Disease involving the blood vessels.

    For those, who are interested in reading about ALL of my symptoms and diagnosed illnesses & disorders (as well as photos, lab results and test results), please feel free to visit my web page, at .

    I look forward to reading your responses. Have a great day. :-)
    You have a huge circulatory issue. I think, if you don't see a doctor for this, you need to see one.. I had blood clots in my ankle, due to a bad sprain and birth control pills (don't take those), and I have the same kind of pain my legs. I suggest you check it out.

  6. #16

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    Quote Originally Posted by Dungeonmaster View Post
    It is reassuring to read your posts and know that I am not alone and if I can be of some help, it does appear that the eye pulsing is most likely NOT life threatening. I would decribe mine as a pulsing at the edge of my vision, both eyes; sometimes a little darkening but usually translucent and most noticeable looking at brightly lit surfaces. Oh yeah, it usually is in sync with my tinnitus

    I have recently been to my regular eye doctor who referred me to a retinal specialist. After all of their testing (dialation followed by pressure checks, veins, retina, macula check, etc) they can find nothing wrong except for a slight astigmatism and the usual age-related presbyopia (losing near focus). The retinal specialist said it's probably not blood pressure since I'm not hypertensive (high bp) but for some other people it cetainly could be a contributing factor; couple that with the fact that it's my entire field of vision and he says my eyes are a-ok. He suggested that I'm probably more "sensitive" to it and noticing it but that sometimes anxiety can also cause that effect. I asked if it could have something to do with the astigmatism or my eyes trying to constantly focus and he said probably not; he suggested I try relaxing and/or ignoring it as I'm just freaking myself out.
    Pulsatile tinnitus? Yeah, I have that same issue, it's in sync, I think it's because pulsatile tinnitus often syncs up with the heartbeat.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    I get this when my heart rate is up , never thought anything of it till i read this post.

  8. #18

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    Hi All!

    I dont want to panic, cause I dont want to panic myself either.

    However, I've been having some trouble with my vision since one year now.

    First I was diagnosed Central serous retinopathy and then they said there was nothing wrong with my eye. I think they are wrong, retinopathy is a problem with the retin in which the two films that constitute the retine separate from each other due to some fisiological malfunction. But the most interesting thing is that this happens in the centre of the retine just where the optical nerve lies.
    When high blood pressure occurs it makes the cells from one side of the retine work improperly, generating a spot of "separation", thus bringing some "dark spots" in the eyesight.

    I've been having spots (almost transparent but dark anyway!) in my left eye just in the centre but sometines not so centric, and this spots appear at the same rythm with my heartbeat pulses. I'll go to the doc next week to tell him about this. I dont know if it is a recurring retinopathy but I'll try to find out!

    Best regards

  9. #19

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    I went to my optomolgist several days in a row in 2009 and he could find nothing wrong with my eye. I had lost vision, color, blurriness in my left eye. He sent me for an MRI and then to a neurologist and a spinal tap and found I had an auto immune disease called Multiple Sclerosis. I found this thread because I was having that heartbeat flashes in my bad eye. I am under a lot of stress and I am pregnant! So it may be just those things coming to the surface, but I saw all the posts with similar history to mine and I wanted to comment.

  10. #20

    Re: Pulse in my eye

    Hi BeadbabeI to have similar problem usually when I,m walking my dogs and exerted myself ,my right eye has a pulse I to can count my heart beat. Seems to happen only after exertion

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