Quote Originally Posted by AaronB View Post
My GP told me that the 24hr trace is sent to a place in Reading to be looked at. So I am assuming it is those guys over there that have noticed something. I just wish they wouldn't send out letters like this with no information to put the patient's mind at rest.

My out of hours doctor has just phoned me. He said that it is quite common for people to be called in for another monitor at the clinic, and that our of the hundreds of people who have palpitations, it is only a small handful that actually have an issue with them.

It has put my mind at rest a little bit but I'm still very much 'in the zone'.

Thanks Frosty for your reply. I hope you get your results soon and can put your own mind at rest.
My grandma had an issue with her monitor. At some point she managed to mess up the wires just slightly enough that the reading hadn't come out right. So yes, having to do it twice doesn't mean it's something serious.

It sounds like your doc has a good idea what is making your palps happen, so hopefully that's all it is. Feel better soon!