Yes I have had this feeling for about a year now. It feels as if I have a hard time swallowing when I eat, like there is something hanging in my throat. However, I feel it also when I havent eaten anything which has resulted in me losing 35 unneeded and unwanted pounds in the last 16 months. I have been to the doctor repeatedly and have been told it was due to my anxiety. I am very thin now weighing 109 pounds and I NEED to gain weight! I am in the process of waiting on blood results just as a precaution. I had them done close to a year ago and they were fine though. My urine showed I wasnt taking in enough food and drink and this is because that feeling freaks me out so i avoid eating. My doc says they may even run a scope just to ease my worries, but that only makes it worse lol. And my xrays came back just fine. I would say that without a doubt it is just your anxiety as I have read many things on this very subject. My best advice is try not to worry when you feel it. It will only make it feel worse. Amd trust me, I understand thats easier said than done. I hope this eases your mind some. Take care.