Hi there, Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I know how you feel as I am 37 weeks pregnant and have found it very stressful as my panic attacks started after the birth of my son 5 and a half years ago and I also suffered severe postnatal depression. I haven't had a full blown panic attack in this pregnancy but have suffered with constant anxiety as I am frightened i might go through the same thing again. My pregnancy has gone pretty smoothly and my doctor and midwife have been great throughout and I am going to go back on medication as soon as I have had the baby just as a precaution. Have you spoken to your doctor or midwife about how you are feeling as mine said that there are medications that are safe to take in pregnancy should I feel I need to but luckily I haven't had to take any so far. I am terrified of giving birth in case I have a panic attack but hopefully I will be o.k. Pregnancy is a worrying time for any woman without having panic attacks but you will get lots of help and support here and I am sure you will be fine.
If ever you need to talk feel free to send me a PM or email.
Take care
Love Lisaxx