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Thread: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

  1. #581
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    hi did not see the question i am on 20mg daily am now at 7 week mark and doing well

  2. #582
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Did you post on wrong thread?

    Hi all, I went back to work this morning, it went really well, everyone was really pleased to see me n after a few hours it felt a bit like I'd never been away. However have come home n feel a bit anxious! Don't feel that hungry n my thoughts have been racing? What's that all about? However, I feel ok about work now so that's good, I'm sure ill get back into the routine soon x x

  3. #583
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Hi Super, I just replied on another thread, really glad it went well, it will get easier and it is normal to feel a bit anxious, it was a big step to take but you have done so well.

    I had a really long and busy day yesterday as I had a meeting an hour from home and then went on to another town for someones retirement party, I had a long drive home but was not stressed or anything but just as I was drifting off to sleep I had a panic attack and anxiety, it lasted about an hour and then I managed to get to sleep so don't know why and it has been a while since it happened before. Fine today again, weird!!!


  4. #584
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Hello everyone,
    Janine, Im wondering if the panic attack you had was the result of a long tiring day. I havnt had any actual attacks in a while but always feel anxious. I go back to my pdoc tomorrow and hopefully get some solutions.
    I had my gallbladder surgery 3 days ago, I'm sore and can't do any heavy lifting or much bending but everyday it gets better I guess.
    I'm just checking in with everyone and wondering how everybody is feeling?

  5. #585
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Hi Ocean, good to hear from you, glad you have had your surgery. it will take time to recover but it will get easier each day, how are you managing with the children it must be hard for you.
    You might find when you recover from your op that you feel loads better and it could have been your gall bladder which was causing some of your symptons and making you feel unwell.

    Yes I think I had that attack because I was over tired, having a really tiring time at work as it has been really busy and I am shortstaffed through illness and holidays, it should get easier after this week.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    Big Hugs


  6. #586
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    I saw my pdoc today, he upped my fluoxetine to 40mg and put me on zyprexa, low dose. I hope this increase brings me to a better place, more stable and calm. The doctor said that he probly wasn't aggressive enough with increasing my dose of fluoxetine. I'm hoping that as I recover fully from my surgery and the increase kicks in, I really start to feel better.
    I hope everyone is well and keep posting! I need the reassurance these days

  7. #587
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    I am sure it will Ocean, you have so much to deal with at the moment, didn't Kim increase to 40 with something like the same drug to help and she has improved such a lot so hopefully this is what you need. I am off to bed now as I have a throbbing headache, hope you have a good day, every day is a day more into your recovery.

    Big Hug xxx

  8. #588
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Yes Janine that's the same as me. It lifted me quite a bit. Only thing is it makes me hungry so I put on weight. I'm trying to drop some weight now. Ocean the zyprexa should take immediate effect but once again the Prozac will still take the usual 6 or so weeks to kick in fully so don't be discouraged if you don't feel great tomorrow. You will get there. Big hugs lovely.

  9. #589
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Hello everyone, 2nd day on the 40mg of fluoxetine, I havnt started taking the zyprexa yet. I'm feeling a bit sick to my stomach, a little fuzzy in the head. Upping a dose is like starting from the beginning, I really don't like that. I'm trying to maintain positive thinking and keep telling myself that this can't last forever and that I'm going to be ok, stop dreading so much. I have to see my counselor once a wk for the next 6 wks. She and my doctor are trying like hell to help me and get me better. I'm so down most of the time because I'm tired, tired of trying to figure it all out and rest my anxious mind.
    I'm healing nicely from my surgery so that's something positive, pain is nearly gone, I'm just sore.
    I hope everyone is well. Keep posting. xxxx

  10. #590
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: 7 wks on fluoxetine, when will I feel normal?

    Hi Ocean,

    Good to hear from you. Fingers crossed this increase and the counsellor help you improve. I know how frustrating it is when it drags on, I was like that last year for months till I started the fluox. Is the Counsellor doing CBT with you or is it just talking through how you feel? Glad you're healing well after the surgery at least with tha out of the way you don't have to worry about it no more. You sound like you have the right attitude re increase etc don't give up hope lovely, things will change.
    Kim, I messaged you on FB thanks again re the message about work was so nice to read the day I went back, hope you're well

    Well...second week back at work, its going well if not tiring, no major problems really, everyone was really welcoming. If anything I feel a bit anxious when I get home, I'm 18 weeks today, its not bad just a niggly feeling then I worry I'm gonna get bad again. I suppose they're all normal thoughts considering.
    One other question, has anyone else on fluox developed a little tummy?! I know it sounds weird but I dnt weigh myself because I get obsessive. Anyway I did just once cos I thought I'd put on weight but I haven't but I have this little belly I've developed lol.

    X x

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