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Thread: Mirtazapine - is this it?

  1. #1

    Mirtazapine - is this it?

    I've been on Mirtazapine for 9 weeks now. I am taking it for depression and was prescribed it because I wasn't sleeping well and was very anxious as well. I found it very sedating at first and I felt drugged up. I took 15 mg for 4 weeks then went up to 30mg. My problem is although I sleep well now and I am not anxious and my deep depression has lifted,I feel very flat and emotionless. I feel I have a low level depression now. I am in a dilemma whether to come off the Mirtazapine or increase it and hope it lifts my mood. My GP doesn't seem to have much idea when it comes to depression. I swore after coming off my last anti depressant (douselepine) that if I crashed again I would stay on anti depressants but when I went back on douselpine it didn't seem to work hence the mirtazapine. If how I am at the moment is the best I am going to fee l(i.e.NOT feel anything) I don't think I can stand it much longer. I'm scared to come off it and scared to stay on it. I have read on different forums that other people get emotional blunting on Mirtazapine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Mirtazapine - is this it?

    If your sleeping, anxiety and depression are now under control, is there a talk therapy that can engage you more with life, and re-energise you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine - is this it?

    Hi Tina it is good that you are feeling better after being on mirtazapine for nine weeks. I think that your GP would be looking for a longer period of stability before allowing you to come off it. I agree with the emotional numbness and yes I have experienced is whilst taking mirtazapine. I agree with Hanshan that if you can access some talking therapy so much the better. It is years since I had any such therapy so I don't really know what is out there. EJ

  4. #4

    Re: Mirtazapine - is this it?

    Did the emotional numbness last with you EJ? I know you are taking other meds with amity now. Have you ever just berm on Mirt? I have been seeing a counsellor privately. I think I will have to wait ages to see soneone on NHS my GP referred me after I asked her to last week but I haven't heard anything. I could cope with how I am now if I knew it would get better. I have had many episodes of depression and this is the 1st time I have felt like this. In the past once the depression has lifted I have felt great. It really feels like the medication is causing the numbness. It's not like me at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine - is this it?

    I'm not feeling too hot at the moment as you are probably aware. I don't think that the numbness lasted. It could be the lithium that has done that to me also? I associate numbness as a symptom of depression still? I have always been on mirt and something else mostly lithium.the lithium works better with an anti d. That is what my psychiatrist has told me. I have had good psychotherapy both as an in patient and out patient. My husband has private insurance but the psychiatric cover for me has run out. I now pay to see my psychiatrist. Years ago I had good out patient psychotherapy group treatment. The only problem was that it was in Colchester at the hospital which has since closed. I had to drive there and I have a phobia about driving so eventually I left the group!!! I think that it would be good to pursue the NHS treatment and see how it goes.Perhaps there is a number or someone you can nag so that you can go on the waiting list.EJ

  6. #6

    Re: Mirtazapine - is this it?

    Thanks, I have got a number to chase them and I will if nothing by weekend. I am better than I was, I was having suicidal thoughts and the constant negative thoughts made me feel I was going mad. None ofthat now but not an awful lot else if going on in my head at all. I feel I have lost who I am. While its great not to feel that desperate the pay off kind of sucks! I am normally a bubbly joker making people around me smile,you can't normally shut me up. I don't feel close to my husband anymore and that tells me something is seriously amiss because I love him so much.

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