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Thread: My first half a Citalapram - now what happens?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    My first half a Citalapram - now what happens?

    Last night I had my tea and took my first half a citalopram. Felt fine and still feel fine. Although a few people at work said I'm not myself today I seem preoccupied. I do feel a little spaced out I think. I felt a little anxious this morning and of course worrying about the side effects. As yet I havn't had any in fact I feel normalish and a little spaced out or is that what feeling relaxed feels like?

    I have been doing really well with the anxiety, but I something was still not right and both doctor and psychologist say I need something to calm me down a little as I'm always rushing around and fidgety.

    How long before side effects kick in or is this as good as it gets? I've had a little tummy cramp, and lots of burping, but nothing major. I feel quite relaxed actually. I'm nervous about taking another one tonight incase I've just been lucky with the first.

    Is anyone else currently taking Citalopram?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Im taking Citalopram, have been for months now with no side effects really.
    I doubt that you will be feeling anything as a result of the meds after taking your first dose but im guessing that it might be that you are feeling something because you KNOW you have taken something and you are aware that there could be side effects.
    Dont get me wrong, im not saying its all in your but I am the same and I still feel a little nervy 2 minutes after taking a tablet and I think its because I am sort of expecting to feel something.
    Does that make sense?
    It can take up to a month for you to feel any better but this does vary between person to person. IF you are going to get side effects, they would probably be worse in the first 2 weeks while your body gets used to them. But you may well be like me and get no real side effects at all.
    Take care and let us know how you get on.

    love Sarah

    we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution

  3. #3
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    I've been on citalapram for about a year and a half now, although i dont get any side effects at all now, the first 4 days were absolute hell- i felt like dying!!

    Keep on with them, they help so much :-) what dosage are you on? i started on 40mg, now im on 20mg :-)

    One thing though, alcohol and citalapram arent a good mix for me- something to think about :-)

    Take care love H x


  4. #4
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    Sorry to let you down guys, but I had a huge arguement with my partner the next evening when I should have taken another half of the 20mg tablet and didn't take any more. I should have done I know. However, if things havn't improved by the summer holidays when I have two weeks off, I shall start them then.

    I did however, buy Rescue Remedy at the weekend and found that has helped.

    Also the pharmasist gave me Olbas Oil and Ibuprofen for my sinus pain and that also seems to be helping the panic a little (actually sniffing the Olbas oil is great if you're out and feel a little lightheaded and stuffy with a lumpy throat).


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Ruth,

    You haven't let us down at all..

    Its your choice of what treatment options you choose and when . We will support you nayway....

    Sorry about the row. Hope its blown over now .

    RR is a good support. The new advert says - Yoga in a bottle !!

    I used to cart around a bottle of lavender aromatherapy oil which helped too both in reality setting nad calming.
    I must have looked a right idiot altenating between swigging on Bach remedies and sniffing bottles of lavender oil .. oh not forgeting relaxation CD on too.

    At the time I didn't purposefully hide it but certainly didn't announce my woes to my colleagues round the country. Now I speak of it more they all claim to have never known so I can't have looked that spaced out or upset.


    'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

    Dr.David Livingstone

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    havent let us down at all!! anyway at least now you dont have the worry of having to come off the citalopram- i am being weened off mine now and it isnt that nice :-)well done for even geting that far!! take care


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    I am a new member to the site and I have also started taking citalapram for anxiety. I have been taking them for 6 weeks and was starting to feel better until I had to much alcohol and a bad bout of gastroenteritis with dioriah for a week. I seem to be feeling really anxious again and that feeling of a lumpy throat.... Do you think this is due to not absorbing the tablets for a week ......

    I really want these tablets to work as I had suffered 8 misscaridges and have just found a reason for these and my partner and myself would like to tryt again after christmas but i feel like I couldnt if I dont get this anxiety concured... sorry for spelling ..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    You body proberly hasn't had enought time to absorb the meds. It would be a good idea to talk to your Dr about it aswell.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone.

    I started taking citalopram yesterday and I feel awful. My heads pounding, I so tired and my legs feel like ive run a marathon. I also feel really spaced out. Im on 20 mg and I was wondering if anyone knows how long this is going to last? I thought these were meant to help not make you feel worse!


    H McGowan

  10. #10
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    It can take up to a month before you start to feel any better I am afraid.

    Some people stick with and some decide they can't take the side-effects so steer clear of medications.


    "Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

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