I can sympathise with the forum members who have posted comments here regarding post-operative anxiety.

I had a hernia repair done under local anesthetic as a day case nearly 5 weeks ago. I started to get severe anxiety, panic attacks and generalised health anxiety (hypochondria) within 48 hours of getting home.

I've suffered with panic attacks & anxiety on and off all my life but I'd been well in the build up to the operation. It seems having the operation done has been a trigger for it to all come back again.

Since then i've had good days and bad & had a bit of deterioration again the last couple of days, despite seeing a pyscotherapist, doing relaxation, meditation, mindfullness exercises, CBT and eating healthly and getting exercise etc.

I'm trying hard to change my thought processess. and beat it again. I'm due to see a pyscotherapist again soon, so hopefully I can get on top of it.

Can anyone recommend any other ways of coping and getting through this please ?

Much appreciated - Ian