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Thread: When will it work?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: When will it work?

    Thanks MrAndy, that's very helpful. Why is it so difficult to come across information about these things?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: When will it work?

    Well, I can conclude it isn't working for the depression, although the anxiety is still much improved - today I felt more suicidal than I have done since this all started (I am pretty sure this is related to the depression rather than being a side effect) and really scared myself, although I am ok again now.

    I am seeing my GP again tomorrow but I really do not know what to say - as far as the depression is concerned I am beginning to think that there is not actually anything wrong with me and that I am just complaining excessively about normal life that everyone else puts up with. That would explain why I have made absolutely no improvement on that front over these three months that I have been on the meds; you can't fix what isn't broken. Sorry to sound so defeatist guys, I just wanted to post an update.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: When will it work?

    Quote Originally Posted by -Stella- View Post
    Well, I can conclude it isn't working for the depression, although the anxiety is still much improved - today I felt more suicidal than I have done since this all started (I am pretty sure this is related to the depression rather than being a side effect) and really scared myself, although I am ok again now.

    I am seeing my GP again tomorrow but I really do not know what to say - as far as the depression is concerned I am beginning to think that there is not actually anything wrong with me and that I am just complaining excessively about normal life that everyone else puts up with. That would explain why I have made absolutely no improvement on that front over these three months that I have been on the meds; you can't fix what isn't broken. Sorry to sound so defeatist guys, I just wanted to post an update.
    Hi Stella,

    Just reading your posts and it sounded just like me talking ... Wondering whether the sertraline is working, and his long it takes to work.

    Would you mind giving an update?? Did you persevere with it, and did it finally work for you??

    Hope that's not being nosey. Guess I'm looking for some hope lol

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: When will it work?

    Hey Freda,

    I am a part of the Sert gang, and would be more than happy to chat about it with you.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: When will it work?

    Thank you. I started sertraline on 50mg for 2 weeks, then went up to 100mg, which I've been on for just over 4 weeks. I'm waking extremely anxious, struggling to get out of bed. Have no motivation, but am fighting it the best I can, and doing what I can, but it's so hard. Generally by the end of the day I'm feeling like normal. I have propranolol to take for the anxiety (which I'm sure is partly due to the sertraline), but I'm sure they are giving me lots of different side effects. The doctor won't prescribe anything else for the anxiety, but has suggested increasing my dose of sertraline. This concerns me because of the increased side effect of anxiety I guess I will get.

    I'm starting to worry myself with increased thoughts of suicide today.

    I think I must have had some improvement? But if so, it's only very small.

    I've suffered with depression for about 18 years and was on and off citalopram for that time. Last year it stopped working, however with CBT and counselling/hypnotherapy I came through it without changing my meds. I always needed the highest dose of citalopram (40mg) for it to be effective. Then at the end of last year I came off citalopram, and back came the depression so it was time to try something else.

    So I'm wondering whether I should be increasing the sertraline, or keep going for another few weeks on 100mg.

    I need a crystal ball I think!! Any thoughts?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: When will it work?

    Hi everyone. I know it's hard work been suffering from depression for yrs now but never realised till I started having panic attacks and anxiety. Crying everyday couldn't get up of bed everytime I went out had to come straight home. Shopping started been a nightmare when I used to enjoy. Going on the underground was painfull getting on a packed bus was miserable.
    Anyway went gp he gave me citalapram in june 1013 took my first tablet on the 20th in the morning around 7pm shaking vomiting etc etc.
    Next day 21st my birthday guess what in bed couldn't get up bad side effects even suicide thoughts. Stopped straight away. Back to gp they gave me sertraline it took me months to take the first pill. I tryed for 1wk in october and realised my headaches were gone but had other side effects so again I stopped.
    Started feeling bad again shaking couldn't go out of the house feeling sick couldn't bear any noise I just wanted to die. Decided on the 13 of February taking my sertraline again. And even knowing it's early days I feel much better.
    So please don't give up you also need to help yourself.
    Yesterday I woke up fine and then bum I was low again but I got up and done my normal things I couldn't let that happen.
    I've been through a lot and im not giving up.
    Sorry for long post but all of you are not alone.
    It will be nice if all of us could meet somewere and talk about it
    Don't give up on you on your family and your friends they need us Huge hugs to everyone.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: When will it work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freda View Post
    Hi Stella,

    Just reading your posts and it sounded just like me talking ... Wondering whether the sertraline is working, and his long it takes to work.

    Would you mind giving an update?? Did you persevere with it, and did it finally work for you??

    Hope that's not being nosey. Guess I'm looking for some hope lol
    Hi Freda,

    I stuck with the sertraline for 3 months but it didn't do anything for my depression so I have just switched to fluoxetine, which seems to agree with me much better physiologically -- hardly any side-effects. It did however help my anxiety a lot, so it wasn't all bad.

    Different thing work for different people, though! My friend was on citalopram for depression and it did nothing, but when he switched to sertraline he found it effective, so there is definitely hope. Hang on in there!

    All the best,
    Stella x

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