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Thread: Anxiety and a new puppy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Anxiety and a new puppy

    Hey all. I've been kind of a mess of anxiety recently, with graduating from college with no job and not being entirely sure of what to do "next". I am currently living with my parents, and a few months ago my oldest dog died, so my mother and I decided to get a new puppy.

    Anyway, I found a rescue Cocker Spaniel mix that I thought was adorable and would be a good fit. It was said he was good with other people and with dogs. We drove down to see him (kind of a long trip) at MY insistence and he was so friendly we fell in love and brought him home.

    He has been here a few days and has fallen in love with me - he'll follow me around and climb all over me - but he seems afraid of my other family members. If they hold him long enough he'll cuddle with them, but if they try to interact with him he'll run and hide under a table or behind me.

    He has also had some instances where he will growl at my current dogs, and then sometimes cry a little bit.

    I am just so, so stressed out by this puppy. I know it's a huge responsibility, and that scares me, but I'm also terrified how he's going to turn out. I think I'm going to try some puppy classes, but my mother had a Cocker several years ago who could be kind of aggressive (and I do know they have a bit of a reputation). On top of that, about 5 years ago I had a fear-aggressive Sheltie that was an absolute nightmare and I am terrified it's going to happen again.

    I don't really think rehoming is an option; we drove a ways to get him at *my* insistence and I've never given up a puppy before. I felt this way 3 years ago with my youngest dog, so I know it might pass, but again, I'm still terrified that it's going to go all wrong.

    I'm going through all the similar threads on this board, but I figure there's no such thing as too much advice, so I figured I'd post one too. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Anxiety and a new puppy

    I was just about to say, they are a few similar threads on here as you have found out so you are not alone. I was the same when I got my new kitten and begged my daughter to take him. She did for a few days but my husband brought him back as he knew I really wanted him. Now I adore him and he is my constant companion, following me to every room I go in. It is just the anxiety of new responsibility and it will soon settle down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Anxiety and a new puppy

    As you can see I have a puppy to like you he follows me everywhere ,He has done the oppersite for me he has helped me with my anxiety ,give it time its early days yet and as he gets use to you all things will get better im sure and it is hard work but worth it xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Anxiety and a new puppy

    Thanks for the answers so far. My mother keeps telling me that he seems sweet and not to fret, but that's easier said than done. I partially need to wait for the regret to go away - I hate the feeling like I made a bad choice, particularly such a big choice and one that, just two days ago I was sure I wanted. It's like I want to go back and slap some sense into my past self.

    And, of course I also am terrified of him being aggressive for any reason whatsoever so I am hyper aware of everything he's doing and trying to determine if it's a good or a bad sign. I'm really doing myself in here; hopefully puppy classes will help.

    I know I felt this way before; in fact, I just read my diary entry from three years ago where I said I *hated* my last puppy, who is now 3 years old and I adore her. So hopefully all will be well.

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