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Thread: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

  1. #1

    Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    Hi there,

    my name is Brynjar Halldorsson and I am a clinical psychologist, currently working with Professor Paul Salkovskis (a world leading expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders) at the University of Bath. We have been researching reassurance seeking over the last few years - aiming to understand this complex behaviour better and develop treatment interventions.

    We are very keen to get some help from people who are currently experiencing any anxiety problem/s. At the moment, we are recruiting for a short questionnaire study - examining similarities/differences in reassurance seeking across different anxiety problems - and we would be extremely grateful if you would consider taking part. The study has received ethical approval from the NHS.

    If you are happy to help, or if you would like to know more, please get in touch with me.

    With many thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    Hello Brynjar,

    Yes I would be happy to partake.

    I as a HA sufferer have always wondered the sake to be honest. If I'm told I'm OK after tests; I'm fine for a while but then something triggers a new viscous circle!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    im interested too
    I have health anxiety but about others !


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    I would be interested to.. I suffer panic attacks due to my Emetophobia
    trying in little steps

  5. #5

    Re: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    Dear all,

    many thanks for getting in touch with me. You can all definitely help us

    We are really keen to understand reassurance better. It's such a complicated behaviour that has (for some weird reason) received very little research attention!

    Can you all please email me your your home address so I can post you the questionnaires asap? My email address is: bh361(AT)

    (sorry I can't put the @ symbol because I am such a new user). Hope my email address makes sense...?

    Also, I am very sorry for putting this pressure on you all, but if it's possible it would be great if you could please post the questionnaires back to me as quickly as possible (I will send you a freepost envelope to do that). To be honest, we are quite desperate to finish the study before the end of the month. I hope this is ok.

    Can I please also ask if it is ok for us to have a very quick chat on the phone once I have received the questionnaires back from you? This would not take more than 5 minutes and involves few follow up questions.

    Again, MASSIVE thanks for your offer to help.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Reassurance Seeking - What is it?

    More information can be found here:

    If anyone is willing to help please get in contact with Brynjar at

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