For the past couple of days I have had this weird little feeling in my heart area. It feels like a little flick, but just once, not a flutter. I believe I feel it on an inhale. Now, I have had many many heart palpitations before, and I don't think this feels like any of the ones I have had before. Usually it would skip, or flutter or thump. This kind of feels like a thump, but not a big one. A teeny tiny one. After that if I cough, I can get a small chunk of phlegm up. I don't always have the urge to cough. But, it's just really frustrating because it feels like it's right over my heart or the left area of my chest, but it doesnt feel like a heart palpitation that I am used to, I know I am wasting my time worrying about this but even though you may not be soctors, does any one have any suggestions or similar experiences? Thank You and God Bless!

Leah Beans