Quote Originally Posted by lior View Post
There is going to be a way to reorganise all this information, that would make it very easy for people to find things relevant to them and help others.

Also your user experience as admin is important too. It shouldn't be the case that you have to spend time moving posts around. There must be a better way.

Do you have any actual plans to change the website? Is there any scope to really do that? I don't imagine there's much funding kicking about? Do you think we could find a sponsor to help us redesign the website so it's easier to use? Do you think people even want that?
We have asked members to post in the relevant forums time and time again but it doesn't happen so we manually move the posts for now.

I am going to be asking for donations soon as we will need some money to upgrade the forum and we have already paid for a specific Word Press theme for the new website that is adaptable on mobile devices.

We also need a new chat room.

The website and forum are going to be separated when we move to the new server on Sunday.