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Thread: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

  1. #1

    Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I feel totally ashamed that I have anxiety, does anyone else feel this way? Don't know why, I have health anxiety/worrier and hate it, after seeing my doctor and having my sertraline upped to 150mg a week ago I'm an emotional wreck! One minute I'm crying and the next minute I'm happy. Just started my cbt last week so going to be a while before I see any improvement. It's this feeling of constant dread and being tearful. X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    Yep! Big time.
    Don't feel bad about not having a good handle on it, there's a learning curve it can take time. It feels bigger than you but it isn't, you can beat it you're just in the process.
    I hate feeling weak, then again it's not supposed to feel good. Depression and anxiety would flaw anyone for a while x
    Raised by wolves and other beasts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I felt the same way ashamed that I couldn't cope, was a total wreck and I was under my doctor for treatment.

    I am still under my doctor but life is better now and able to cope with most things. It just takes time Donna I was on 20mg cit which was upped to 40mg.

    When the meds start to take affect the dread will start to lift.

    Best wishes

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I also felt a failure and weak with suffering from anxiety, but the more you talk to people, the more you realise you are not alone.
    Try to live in the NOW

  5. #5

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I feel ashamed about not doing the things I feel I could/should have done as a result of anxiety.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    No need to feel ashamed EVER, Donna. Think of it as a condition such as a a cold or fever. No-one would feel ashamed about that, would they? They would seek treatment or sooth themselves while healing.
    Many people do feel ashamed about it but Just the same as u ... they have no reason whatsoever to feel ashamed. No way.
    Be kind to youself rather than critical.
    Aha, I just read that you just started cbt.
    this will contribute to where you are at.
    The very nature of CBT necessitates you challenge your beliefs. Things you feel are definitely right (that are most likely distorted) need to be challenged. It can take time to do this and meanwhile it will, at times, cause a peak in your anxiety levels.
    The good news is that gradually as you continue to look into why you think in a distorted or disproportionate way.... You begin to see where the reality lies. That is when you begin to improve.
    You will improve, Donna, it might take time but you stick at it.
    And please.... Remember you have nothing, repeat nothing to feel ashamed about.
    Quite the opposite in fact because it takes courage to face these things.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    Why feel ashamed? it is an illness, something medically wrong with you...

    you wouldn't be ashamed if you had a broken leg would you?

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(


    you are not ill, thats an illusion caused by sensitisation

  9. #9

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I feel ashamed about my anxiety and panic attacks too, its not made any easier when i go to my doctors and they just look at me and ask what i want them to do about it! It will be 3 years at xmas since my first attack which came out of the blue, i didn't feel stressed but for some reason i started feeling like i couldn't breath and felt like i was choking on my own saliva, scariest thing i have ever experienced and before you know it, it had a hold on me i was scared of being alone at home in the shower toilet etc in case another attack happened.
    I have had 6 sessions of cbt whenever the lady attended but because i didn't have suicidal thoughts she said i couldn't come anymore. I have just been plodding on ever since i am not too bad during the day but i have terrible problems sleeping i seem to get more panic at night so i dread going to bed now!! vicious circle every day, i feel if i had a physical illness that i would be so much better looked after, i know i am making the problem in my head myself but would still like my GP to be bit more sympathetic. Anyway rant over and thanks for this group for listening to me

  10. #10

    Re: Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(

    I know exactly what you mean my doctor is exactly the same its like trying to get blood out of a stone when all you want is help or someone to talk to! Im still waiting for my appointment to come through after having a telephone assesment.

    I just feel worse when it comes to work as I feel bad about it and what other people think of me and just goes round in a vicious circle.

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