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Thread: Hard lump on the back of my head

  1. #11

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Quote Originally Posted by lightmuse View Post
    I have been doing studies on this. Now mainstream sciences are unaware of this, and have been improperly attempting to diagnose it as many things such as cancer, cysts, and infections. However, it is a little more esoteric than that. The common populus of people with this ''condition'' are born between 1980 to 2000. Another astonishing thing is that a large amount of people with these bumps only notice/gain them after they have had a spiritual experience, or are spiritual themselves.

    The reasoning behind my research attention towards spirituality is that the chakra system seems to line up with this bump. The third eye, or pineal gland is located between and slightly above your eyebrows, being the chakra that is aligned directly with the bump; it also appears that it is related to a spiritual theory that may explain some cases of attention deficit syndromes. 'Indigo children', as they are called, often have large amounts of energy and are regarded as more intelligent, active, and peaceful than others; also, many seem to have had violent childhoods and high resistance to sickness and disease.

    I would not go as far as to say that you are ready to become an enlightened being; for that is wholly up to you.
    Thats crazy, cuz i have it too and exactly fit into the description you made

  2. #12

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    This is so crazy, I have a hard lump on my head and just read what lightmuse wrote and all applies to me too!!!

  3. #13

    Post Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Quote Originally Posted by lightmuse View Post
    I have been doing studies on this. Now mainstream sciences are unaware of this, and have been improperly attempting to diagnose it as many things such as cancer, cysts, and infections. However, it is a little more esoteric than that. The common populus of people with this ''condition'' are born between 1980 to 2000. Another astonishing thing is that a large amount of people with these bumps only notice/gain them after they have had a spiritual experience, or are spiritual themselves.

    The reasoning behind my research attention towards spirituality is that the chakra system seems to line up with this bump. The third eye, or pineal gland is located between and slightly above your eyebrows, being the chakra that is aligned directly with the bump; it also appears that it is related to a spiritual theory that may explain some cases of attention deficit syndromes. 'Indigo children', as they are called, often have large amounts of energy and are regarded as more intelligent, active, and peaceful than others; also, many seem to have had violent childhoods and high resistance to sickness and disease.

    I would not go as far as to say that you are ready to become an enlightened being; for that is wholly up to you.



    I CAN ADRELINE RUSH ON MY WILL ASWELL THATS WHAT I THINK ( sensation running from my head through my spine and to my lower stomach area)
    that's why I can run a lot and even if I feel tired I can become refreshed and workout a lot.

    I am have a twin brother who has same experience.

    Here is my contact e-mail : is w a d I yarabhijeet@

    And 1 more thing I do wear 1,4,5,8,10,14 mukhi rudraksh. But I had the spiritual experience when I was very young.

  4. #14

    Lightbulb Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    ahaa, so i have always been spiritual, i had a blockage for many years due to unwanted sight's, but none the less, i know about myself, the reason for posting is, this morning, i wake up and literally 20 minutes ago i feel this goose egg/lump on my head so i thought "hey i am going to see what this is," so i come online and search it up, soooo many results of cancer, etc. well i have always beaten sickness very rapidly, so then i stumble accross this forum, and seen the comment above, and thought this adds up together, and i am growing even further spiritually, i am also very intelligent (or I'd like to assume lol) , but considering this goes together and first thought i received was, "that's legit", but unfortunately, i see many people falling for the disease gimmick, and i imagine all the drugs and sh*t they have gone through trying to fix whats not broken, i see their future will have less color and a wacked belief system. for not knowing what to believe, since doctors should have their shit together, instead of (googling whats wrong with my girlfriend when she tells the doctor previous doctors have given multiple different diagnosis and every med makes matter's worse, then blames it on pot. she continues to smoke pot, she is fine now because she doesn't take the med's nor go to a doctor anymore, we go by our instincts.) to continues with this little story in short form, she took bi-polar med's, caused n ulcer, she heals the ulcer on her own (ulcers are common and for a doctor to not know how to treat them, or when finds out doesn't ask how but sends the patient home.. is a little strange, , anways after a couple months from her watching what she eats she finds out shes just allergic to gluten...... could have died with all those drug's, NOT combating her gluten allergy,

    one last thing, a nurse (the ones who come in and do everything to you while the high payed doctors do jack.) will tell you one thing and not know herself if its true or false, with the whole gastrointestinal bleeding,.. she was high in acidic acid, anyone with a brain or knows science,, would know, alkaline acid will neutralize acidic acid, yet when my girlfriend had told the nurse she started eating pineapple the response was (oh my goodness why would you do something like that ? (with a look on her face implying Kaila was dumb,for her decision), Kaila responded with, "uhhhhhmmm my body is full of acidic acid would it not make sense to eat alkaline food's to neutralize the acid?" the nurse was dumbfounded shurgged her shoulder's as to say "hmmp" and walked out.

    we really need to take into consideration, that people who make millions off of sickness and disease would not want it eliminating their profit's. do they care about you your wife, kid's and dog? no "why do you care bout the people? you worry about taking care of yourself and your family"-jacob rothchild

    with the above said.. yeah sure there are those who only worry bout them nd their family yes and thats okay to stick to yourselves, but when the people who are only there because they are supposed to care for us and look out for us, re only looking out for themselves, they should not be in power, nd lets face it, it is ALL about them and their profit, if it wasn't, life would have been easier now then it was back then, how do i believe this? because they have been working towards it since i was born, and nothing has been achieved, just more and more complicated, which say's it all, but back to the original topic, yes do not believe in people who want your money, go to a doctor and get an opinion of course, but do not believe their answers are 100% as it is. i believe you are either intelligent and or spiritual, or on your way, sometimes we need to crash before we can wake up to our reality,, peace and love.

  5. #15

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Im born 1995 and I totally feel the connection with that!! this is crazy because a lot has happenend these 2 years and I seriously have never noticed this bump before until recently.

  6. #16

    Talking Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Don't worry! It's called the external occipital protuberance! Even I felt worried whether it was a tumour or something like that It's nothing like that. It's just a bone

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Go to the doctor and quit asking here.. nobody qualified to answer you and if they did they would be trying to diagnose you here which read doctors won't even do now.. check it out.bite the bullet like they tell me and do it.. what can you do.. everytime im worried everyone says go to the doctor or just just ignore me like a moron so to see someone qualified to tell you what it is.. good luck

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    This thread's over 4 years old

    'AV A

  9. #19

    Question Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    You two? I'm 1992 with a 160+ IQ (which i scored without even trying), and this has happened over night. My experience began 3 weeks ago and I am freaking out.

  10. #20

    Re: Hard lump on the back of my head

    Quote Originally Posted by moonflake View Post
    This interests me. I have one right in the middle. It gave me some worry when i was about 18 but i came to realize that it was due to spiritual experiences. I now can communicate with spirits and have been in orbs and all that malarky during deep meditation. This lump seems to be something to do with the pineal gland and a state of evolution in a spiritual manner. I would recommend getting in touch with the earth and putting your bare feet on the grass. In fact. Ask people every day when the last time they did it. The answer may shock you
    ^-^ go on watergoodidea .org
    Do you have any idea how dumb that is... Im 17, born 1998. I also have a large marbleish bump in the middle of the back of my head. I have an IQ of 132, And... I am a athiest. So, I think you might want to reconsider your "logic".

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