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Thread: Agoraphobia - Can this be done?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Agoraphobia - Can this be done?


    I suffer from agoraphobia and, until recently, hadn't been downstairs and outside for a year. I'm slowly getting better, but it's still a major struggle - like yesterday, i got stuck downstairs for 2 hours!

    Now, i often think to myself, why am i so different to everyone else. There are things i want to do, so why can't i just do them? The thing is i want so much to take a holiday overseas to South America and, being the way i am, it's surely way to much to ask. I mean, first there's the travelling to the airport, then actually being in the crowded airport, then the flying bit, then the stress at the other end too. The whole journey is about 22 hours i think.

    Part of me just wants to say 'sod it! let's just do it, what's the worst that could happen?' I don't see why i should have to even think twice about whether to go or not. Most people, if they wanted to go somewhere, would just go and do it. Why can't i do that? It's not fair that i can't do what i want to do because of this anxiety thing.

    Anyway, my question is, can it be done?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    heya gregor
    Well i am agrophobic but gettin better slowly but surly!! it wasnt a 22 journey but in april i went to cyprus for a week and im still here and i was fine!!! Didnt feel anxious or even panicy the whole week!!!
    So i definatly think it can be done, its hard and ur gonno feel ill- but u have felt it all b4!! So my advice is go for it, who knows it may aid ur recovery!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Thanks for your encouragement. I presume you didn't go to Cyprus on your own.. but how were you in and around the airport? That's one of my biggest fears of the whole thing.


  4. #4
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    no i didnt go alone! but i havent been anywhere on me own in 4 yrs so that would have been a miracle!! lol
    The airport was ok- I just thought about exactly wot i needed to do- I was terrified for the waitin part but i was ok- a few beers and a few runs to the loo but it was ok!! and once i was on the plane all i felt was excitment- when the plane took of i had the biggest grin on me face coz i was doin- it was the best feelin eva!!!

  5. #5
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    I went through this for about 3 months maybe four. I wouldnt leave my room and felt AWFUL downstairs with the family.
    The fact that youve left that fear is brilliant, you didnt think you could do that did you? well you did! si what makes this holiday so hard?! ok, lil differant, but your doing so well! ive just read your other post about going to the shop!! So youve gone from room bound taking a taxi to the shop! THATS HUGE!!! Be proud of what you have done.
    Theres nothing wrong with having a goal. Well done, your a true inspiration!
    Becci xx x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    HI Gregor

    The best thing to do is take it one step at a time.
    You got downstairs so keep doing that every day until you are comfortable with it. Then do a bit more like looking out the door until you are comfortable doing that.

    Then just walk to the gate and back.
    I have done this and have just done a 10 minute train journey and was OK. Bit shaky before I got on the train but then I was fine and enjoyed the day out
    Its just taking small steps and they all build up.
    Another thing that has helped me a lot is reading books and listening to tapes by Claire Weekes which explains why your body feels like it does.

    If you are like me I was confused by the symptoms and was afraid of the symptoms. Claire Weekes explains that these are just symptoms and there is nothing wrong with your body.
    The fear of the symptoms was what kept me indoors. I was so afraid of the palpitations, panic etc.
    If you can just accept that they are only symptoms cause your body is sensitized you can let the symptoms come and not worry about them. Dont try frantically to keep yourself occupied to keep the symptoms away as that can make you tense too..

    Just try and work at it each day and take small steps and you will get to South America eventually :-)

    Hope that helps. If you want to chat you can send me a PM

    Kind regards

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Greg

    Firstly, well done for your progress so far.
    I like you suffer with Agorophobia, and always found the holiday season the worst, especially when i knew all my friends and family where going away and i was to remain at home, it didnt seem fair.
    Things have improved for me and next year i am planning on going to Spain with my family for the first time in many years.
    What boosted my confidence was i decided to have a holiday in this country first, and to my surprise i enjoyed every minute, i only had the odd occasion when the anxiety tried to show its ugly head but i coped, i think the change of scenery and away from my four walls of home did me the world of good.
    I think maybe you would be better boosting your confidence by having a shorter distance holiday then maybe next year go to S America.

    Good luck on what here decision you make



  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Gregor,

    the simple answer is "yes", it can be done.

    As Nigel says, break big goals down into small steps and tackle those individually. Before long you will look back and realise you have covered alot of ground towards your goal.

    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> Part of me just wants to say 'sod it! let's just do it, what's the worst that could happen?'</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
    This is a great attitiude but maybe you could change it slightly to read "what's the best that could happen?"

    It can be done and you can do it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your replies. I'm thinking that i won't give up my dream to go on that trip, but perhaps leave it a while for now. Going on a short holiday would be a good idea, though. I've always thought it would be nice to just get away, somewhere quiet, for a week or so. However, i'm shortly, hopefully, going to be moving home. It'll be about a 7 hour drive down there, so i think that represents a big step for me. I'll just concentrate on that, then, who knows, maybe i'll go on my trip.

    Thanks again.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Sounds like a great idea! Small trips to build you upto a bigger trip can be a great way to get you ready for the big one. Have fun moving home! all that distraction moving furniture and re-arranging items to a new room can be refreshing and distracting! Think of it as a new start in your life, a positive start and you might just do wonders!
    Becci x

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