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Thread: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    I have long suspected that in part, my HA has stemmed from three things:

    - Spending a lot of time in my childhood visiting my ill and dying grandmother in hospital. I saw so much suffering there. I had nightmares that have stuck with me to this day.

    - I almost drowned in a learning swimming pool at School when I was around 8 or 9, and no support was offered to me at all. I was scooped up by a life guard, plopped on the side, and every single person vanished. All of the other students were whisked away, and the teacher (who I saw and heard, very briefly, absolutely frantic with panic when I was struggling underwater), was gone. I was left there to sit in complete isolation for what felt like so, so long, and from then on I never felt the same way again.

    - My feelings being brushed under the carpet, and my battles from my early teenage years with poor mental health being shrugged off by my parents.

    Since the near-drowning incident, I felt like a veil had come up between me and the real world, like I wasn't really present in it anymore, and at the time I put this down to some issue that must be to do with my eyes - like there must be something wrong with them that is making me feel this way - and I would obsessively check them in the mirror for any sign of deformity or strangeness.

    I had nightmares about them falling out and showing huge yellow tumorous growths at the backs, and I would panic during School lessons (though no one knew), and then a few years later I had my first wave of HA in me believing I had Motor Neuron Disease. It was when we first got the computer and internet, and I almost made a phone call to a doctor in America who was some expert on the disease though being as I live in the UK, was too scared to go through with it on account of the phone bill.

    When I told my parents - all concerned and showing them this printed piece of paper speaking about MND and this US doctor - I was laughed off. I felt deeply ashamed, and my anxiety only got worse as I wasn't reassured that there was nothing wrong with me, and my mind wasn't put to rest.

    What do you think caused your HA? And what was your first experience with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    When I was a child I was a little anxious sometimes, but not more than other kids. Then I was completely normal for nearly 30 years! And then my father died of cancer, he suffered so much and struggled against death for 8 long months and it was absolutely devastating.

    Since that I am living in constant fear of cancer :(

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    Mine was conditioning by both parents from birth.

    My dad had massive health anxiety and a panic disorder (same as me). If he so much as had a tiny symptom he catastrophised "cancer" and would constantly equate everything to cancer.

    My mother's parenting style is fear. Everything we asked to do we were told no because *insert action resulting in death*

    When I was growing up every symptom caused deep fear of it meaning my death.

    I finally realised "normal" thought processes don't do what mine do and I got help from a psychologist.

    She helped me realise I am conditioned towards catastrophic thinking and it manifests in many parts of my life but since becoming a mum it is worse in the areas of health and my mortality.

    We work on CBT and DBT regularly. The shift is gradual but dramatic once you realise the roots.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    I learned when I was 16 that my granny died of Hodgkins Lymphoma (1984ish), learning she had a huge lump in her neck. From that moment I became OBSESSED with the nodes in my neck convinced I had the same. I fought the Lymphoma battle until I was 24. Since then it's been Brain, Breast, Colon/Bowel, Spleen, Bone and now Ovarian! (what a fun list!) x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    I have always been fixated on 'illness' and I'm not sure why... I spent a lot of time at the drs as a kid, I think my mom worried about me a lot. I had asthma and bad ears and always seemed to have something up.

    Always remember visiting grandparents in hospital too, spent a lot of time doing this.

    As I got into my teens I suffered with depression, anxiety, eating disorders and self harm, some drug and alcohol abuse too. I was in a physically and sexually abusive relationship in my late teens/early twenties too which I got out of (thank god)

    As I got into early twenties I started fixating on illness more and researching, it was strange though cause I almost 'wanted' something to be wrong if that makes sense? I remember going to A&E several times with only mild stomach cramps being disappointed I didn't have appendicitis. I know that sounds messed up. I just felt like I wanted to be 'looked after' if that makes sense? I guess it was an attention thing although I am very embarrassed to admit that.

    I am almost 31 now about around 3 years ago my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent chemo, radiotherapy and surgery etc... She is doing ok now thank god but I also had an uncle only in his 40s die very quickly from cancer which has spread to his brain. During this time I also found a breast lump (benign thank goodness) and had surgery for endometriosis/adhesions. I was also in a long term relationship (7 years) that ended (I ended it) and this is when the real cancer fears kicked in.

    Sometimes I feel like I am being punished for all those times I 'wanted' to have something wrong! I feel in such a mess over it, especially bad with it today. I know it is messed up, and trust me I would give ANYTHING not to have this debilitating fear of cancer, illness and death :(

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    In 2007 I had pancreatitis due to gallstones and was consistently misdiagnosed to the point where I got blood poisoning, ended up in the hospital and almost died. I think it's definitely the reason for my distrust in the medical professionals. I never really confronted it during therapy and I'm positive I had some PTSD because of it all and just sort of getting back to normal when I got home, sort of pushing it to the back of my mind.
    “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.” ― Frida Kahlo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    One of the first times I really remember thinking about Health was during the BSE scare.

    I remember thinking "That could happen to me"

    I always thought my anxiety started in 2000 after I stupidly took LSD but I can remember when I was pretty young not liking going into town in the car with my parents as I thought we might have a crash.

    I think the experience with LSD definitely triggered my fear of mental health issues.

  8. #8

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    Quite a few things I think. Developing Minieres's disease, which makes my life really difficult sometimes.It's horrible and aswell as everthing else It causes alot of Anxiety to an already anxious person! Also becoming a mum- the fear of leaving them.
    But sometimes my HA is fine and stable, and then like six months ago my breast changed completly and went very hard- got sent for some tests- came back ok.
    Also getting pneumonia has been really bad, the recovery is taking a very long time and on Xmas eve i spoke to the consultant on the phone and he idicated it might be COPD. Needless to say Xmas was very toygh. The tests came back normal- just! Now the think it is a sinus issue- but i don't know. I'm trying to keep it together but it's very difficult at the moment.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)

    When I was 11 years old, I found a lump under my jaw. To me, lump = cancer. But I was young an immature and just panicked about it in private - afraid that if I told anyone it would become more real and that their fear would make mine worse.

    From that point on, any weird symptom I had I attributed to the "cancer". When I was 12 I had ringworm, but I'd never had it before and was certain that it was a cancer symptom so, still in the mindset I had before, I didn't tell anyone about that, either.

    When I was 15, I woke up one morning with a feeling of dread. My HA got worse and worse from there.

    I also had anxiety attacks, mainly when I was a guest at a friend's house or when friends came to visit me. They weren't really health related, but would give me nauseous fits and they were no fun.

    While I suffered from HA, I had a wide range of symptoms and 'illnesses'. Anything from MS to ALS to the idea I was going blind or losing my voice, etc.

    And finally, when I was 21 I found what I thought was another lump.My HA had been kind of dormant but this spiked it again big time. This entire time, I still had the first lump (it never went away). I decided I needed to bring it up and see the doctor about it - only took me 10 years to do so! The doc wasn't worried; said it was a lymph node that just hadn't ever gone down. Did a few tests, nothing was serious, and I left the doctor's office feeling freer. It was like all my fears were disproved and I could just move on. And, for the most part, I did. I still have troubles with GAD, but not really HA anymore which is a huge relief
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

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