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Thread: Ven diaries

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    I hope it goes well for you

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi Tracy,

    I'm on 10mg cit with 37.5mg ven for two weeks. How are you finding the taper? I'm past the three day mark so should be getting a steady dose. My psych wanted me to start dropping the cit every other day after the two weeks but I usually feel that worse so she said I could swap to the 75mg Ven if I didn't want to do that. I'll see how the next couple of weeks go. I'd probably do the same as you if I was going on holiday, better the devil you know!

    Thanks Dale, I hope it goes as smoothe as possible.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi Debs. To be honest, I feel like sh+t. I take the dose at about 9 because that is when I took the Sert. I actually didn't take them until about 10 this morning because I was thinking of not taking it, but then had a change of heart. I feel really flat, which is just not like me. Since this started in July, I have had crying spells and the like but have never lost my mojo. The last two days, I have stayed in bed until about lunch time, where I force myself to get out of bed because it makes me feel worse. I am worried that it is the Ven that is causing me to feel the flatness. Other than that I haven't felt too bad, have a tiny bit of a head ache and lower stomach cramp (but I don't know if that is my periods about to start). Just want to shake this feeling off. I don't like it at all. Also felt really weird thoughts wise this morning. Will see how I get on, but don't think I will be making any changes until back from holidays. Let me know how you get on tomorrow.xx
    The other side of every fear is FREEDOM

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi Debs and Mermaid

    I hope you are doing okay and well done for writing about it. It will help lots of people.

    It might not be an easy ride but it's well worth doing in my opinion. I went from pragabalin to ven about a year ago and I'm doing good!

    I look forward to hearing how you get on

    Last edited by tommackent88; 18-09-16 at 20:23.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi all,

    I've been on ven for over 4 years and it has saved my life. I know we're all different but it's worth giving it your best shot because it can works wonders.

    Just wanted to give you a little positivity during tricky times

    Not drowning, but waving

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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Thank Tom and Pip, encouragement is always needed when you are facing the unknown. How did the switch go for you Tom? Did it take you a while to feel the difference like the standard 4-6 weeks?

    Tracy, it could be the switch and us getting used to it as I've found I've been more tired and a bit flat myself especially the first few days. I suppose it's a matter of time before it all settles down. Are you still taking the Sert with the ven?

    Day 4: increased sleeping, Slightly more thirsty, feel like I'm second guessing my mood.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi Debs! Well, this morning I got my period (sorry TMI). So that at least explains the tears all weekend. The Ven has definately increase my anxiety back up. Before I started on it, I was relaxed on waking and during the day, I am back again to feeling like a wound up rubber band in the morning. It does decrease once I get up and get moving. I know my anxiety is high, because when it is I start to get a bit of pill phobia, but will continue with it now until I at least see the psych again on Wednesday. It is early days I know and I think 3/4 days is when you are getting a steady dose. So I am just about to take day 3. When you say you feel like your second guessing your mood, do you feel like you are improving but not really sure? My anxiety has increased, not gone the other way, but it may just be anxiety about starting a new med. In any case I am telling myself the anxiety is just nervous energy and it won't hurt you, and to keep going at least till I have done a week. Hope you continue to do well. xx

    Thanks Pip and Tom...fingers crossed we have the same success. Do you mind if I ask what dosage you are on and if it is to treat anxiety, depression or both?
    The other side of every fear is FREEDOM

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Well that explains a lot Tracy, especially when pmt is worse since the dip in estrogen plummets the little serotonin we have! I've seen ven is used for pmdd too.

    I find I get a bit jittery but I'm not sure if that's just the transition from cit to ven, are you still on Sert too? Sometimes I think it's anxiety over just making the change and I'm always expecting the worse just with the way I'm feeling.

    In terms of second guessing my mood, it's like I feel okay for a while then my mind kicks in thinking oh do I feel ok? Where is the anxiety? Like I'm looking for how I feel since I'm so used to doing it, it's very annoying x

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Hi Debs. Thanks for replying. It made me feel a whole lot better. I am still on 50mg of Sert, and have been on that since the 30th of August (that's when I did my last drop). I was feeling fine up until I started the Ven, so I know it is that, that is causing the added anxiety. Plus I was fine in the mornings until I started on the Ven. I really feel like chucking it in (the Ven) to be honest. My mum has convinced me to stay on it at least until the see the doc again on Wednesday. I just am having major mood swings (don't know if that is part of the Ven...then again probably PMT...I keep forgetting about that). Hopefully in a few weeks, we will be high fiving each other and saying thank f"|k that is over. Have a nice rest of the day and let me know how you get on tomorrow. xx
    The other side of every fear is FREEDOM

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ven diaries

    Stick with it Tracy, part of our problem is that we've been on our meds so long we haven't had to deal with this start up anxiety from new meds. The first few days will be worse as everything is so changeable. Hopefully it'll get easier as we go along. Pm me if you need a chat x

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