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Thread: pins and needles in fingers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.

    pins and needles in fingers

    hi everyone,
    ive been posting a bit here lately..sorry!
    i have to ask tho, ive been getting pins and needles in my last three fingers of my left hand when i sleep only.....only at night, never in the day,well, unless i have a day nap...but only when i worried it might be diabetes, cause my dad was diagnosed with itype 2 a year ago....i did a test for it online, and it said im in the low risk group for it, cause i exercise, and im not obese....but im still scared....i dont get it watching tv or if im inactive in the day....terrified of needles, and i know id have to have a blood test to tell..last time i had a needle last year, i went into shock....ugh...please only 32

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Sounds like what I have - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Read this ....

    Numb hand in night - waking me up


    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , USA.
    I really agree with the Carpal Tunnel. My mom had it (typing compressed nerves) and she had same symptoms, as did a teacher friend just a few weeks back...darned annoying and frightening, I am sure! Another idea?....I am a teacher, and write on the chalk/white boards often....when first started teaching years ago, I had really similar...turned out that it was simple little nerve pinched and something called an irritated (hope I say this right) rotator cuff shoulder irritation from constantly reaching overhead to write on board, and lift from high shelving....but very easily treated (treat yourself to massage from a licensed massage therapist who can work with you on the tight muscles which often go part and parcel with our anxiety) She or he can be a wonderful helper in helping you not only concretely see what tightness in one part of us can pinch and numb in another part.
    Take care, dear one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.
    hi all,
    thanx for your help...i googled carpal tunnel,and i dont get any pain, so im not sure if it is that...i dont use a computer for a job,but since ive been off uni, i guess i have been on it a lot in the day ( on
    and i did have prev jobs using computers all day, but that was years ago, and these symptoms only came up this last year...weird..will check it with doc next time i go tho..thanks again everyone, youve been great!!

  5. #5

    Re: pins and needles in fingers

    Quote Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
    Sounds like what I have - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Read this ....

    Numb hand in night - waking me up


    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel

    I would have to agree. I have been bothered with this most recently in the last two years. I work on the computer for hours sometimes and it causes the nerves to compress in my arms or back and causes this sensation.

    I do however have a twictching today in the forefinger and thumb of the same hand I woke experiencing this with. It has come and gone,but have been told its caused from the contorted ways I sit at the computer.

    The same arm last year was subject to getting really cold and numb in the cold weather,so it could be arthritus and carpal although most do not believe that young people get arthritus I had a family member get it at 13 and she lived many many years into her 80's but mostly bad aches and pains and other issues simular to what we talk about here.

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