Hello i am recovering from a very serious bout of depression anxiety and panic attacks brought on by a very serious ocd episode I started taking 50g sertraline at the end of Nov 2017 the first week was horrific but by Christmas I started to feel better so I made a big boo boo by having a few drinks which set me back two weeks then at the end of January thinking I was full!y recovered had another few drinks big mistake set me back another two weeks...
Just then the penny final!y dropped...THE DRINK CAUSED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE l am not a heavy drinker but my friend and I like a drink every other Friday
So I decided there and then no more alcohol. now I am 99% recovered I.e. the jigsaw is almost finished still a bit of anxiety but I am hoping it will fade....NOW THAT I DONT DRINK ANYMORE....message for everyone...alcohol is a depressant.....antidepressants are the opposite....so if you drink the meds won't work properly...you will! Be in a no win situation aka defeating the object....the moral of this story is if you have a mental illness...never never never touch alcohol because the alcohol will? Always win....feel free to ask questions....
Oh by the way by stopping alcohol I didn't have to up my dose still on 50g sertraline a godsend by the way....so happy