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Thread: New sensation - very scared!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    New sensation - very scared!

    Hi there, I am new to this forum, stumbled upon it in another moment of desperately searching for an answer. Anyway, this anxiety thing is not particuarly new for me- I have had it for approx five years. have been feeling good for a couple of weeks or so as I started back on some medication about a month ago. However, tonight, completely out of the blue, I have been hit by a completely new sensation and I really thought there were no more suprises. My chest felt really constricted and I was acutely aware of my breathing (not a new sensation) but then a really cold (or hot) tingly sensation started going through my body, really bad in legs, chest and stomach. My chest now feels like its burning. I can't get to sleep now because it starts really bad again as soon as I try. Is this a panic attack or something else?
    To make matters worse, because it was so bad, I told my husband about it for a bit of reassurance and he has told me that he can't cope with it anymore as he has enough stress in his life. I feel slightly aggrieved as I do try keep about 95% of what I go through from him. Please don't get me wrong he is a wonderful man in every way, but I can't help feeling like this!! Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi rachel

    What you have descrived is a normal reaction to anxiety and is really a panic attack. Im sure you were very scared and left wondering what the hell is going on but your not alone with these feelings.

    Many of us suffer with similar experiences to the one you had tonight, You have found a site which has total understanding to your needs and you are about to embark on a journey of discovery in the world of panic and anxiety. Your not alone.. ( sounds like something out of an alien movie) and in a way it is for some people, The whole concept of living with panic and anxiety is pretty alien but you can and you will get through this.

    if you fancy chatting feel free to PM Rachel




  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Rachel,

    First of all welcome to the forum, I develop new symptoms so don't be too alarmed. You are not alone!!

    It is a shame that your husband isn't being more supportive, have you tried showing him some of the facts about panic? There are a lot of sites that provide useful information for the families of sufferers, have a look through the information and links from this site. Hopefully if he understands your situation better he can support you in a more productive way. Therefore lessening his stress.

    Of course you can't help feeling like this, none of us choose this! I have lots of problems trying to sleep, hence I am here at 2.30 when I have to go to work in the morning.

    Hugs to you


    We are all here for you

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yes Rachel Ive had these feelings well and so has 2 freinds who suffered from panic attacks and I know another man who gets panic attacks and sometimes he cant sleep half the night either - he goes out for walks 2 -4 am !!! and works all day (age 65)
    its 3 am and I cant sleep either !!!!! what next ???? I dont know, but im learning and the best place in the world to be is on Nomorepanic

    Hopes XXXX it gets better !!! keith

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Welcome Rachel - another insomniac here!

    It seems symptoms of Panic Attacks have no boundaries. I have experienced many different symptoms, which have usually re-occurred over a period of time.

    However, about 4 years ago, I had a most peculiar one - soon after I got up to make a cup of tea, I had a great deal of tingling down the left hand side of my body. I got an emergency appointment with my GP and the spent the rest of the day being checked out in hospital and they found nothing. It was just anxiety and panic!

    I'm sure this may be anxiety, but don't be afraid to speak to your GP about it to give you that reassurance.

    Take Care,


    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
    ~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hi Rachel,all sounds like anxiety pet.Its hard for members of the family,they can support us but they dont know what its like unless they have been there.

    Ellen XX

  7. #7
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    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there, I am new to this forum, stumbled upon it in another moment of desperately searching for an answer. Anyway, this anxiety thing is not particuarly new for me- I have had it for approx five years. have been feeling good for a couple of weeks or so as I started back on some medication about a month ago. However, tonight, completely out of the blue, I have been hit by a completely new sensation and I really thought there were no more suprises. My chest felt really constricted and I was acutely aware of my breathing (not a new sensation) but then a really cold (or hot) tingly sensation started going through my body, really bad in legs, chest and stomach. My chest now feels like its burning. I can't get to sleep now because it starts really bad again as soon as I try. Is this a panic attack or something else?
    To make matters worse, because it was so bad, I told my husband about it for a bit of reassurance and he has told me that he can't cope with it anymore as he has enough stress in his life. I feel slightly aggrieved as I do try keep about 95% of what I go through from him. Please don't get me wrong he is a wonderful man in every way, but I can't help feeling like this!! Help!

    <div align="right">Originally posted by Rachel Ball - 24 November 2006 : 02:11:21</div id="right">
    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

    Hello Rachel

    I have recently (the last month) been diagnosed with depression which has led to acute anxiety/panic attacks. All stress related - I was initially prescribed proazac which had me bouncing off the walls. Was then given a small amount of valium to help me sleep (I was lucky if I had 3 hours each night.) It was hoped that this would break the cycle of insomnia, but it didn't, so GP prescribed a small quantity of tamazapan, before being given zimavane - which I am still taking. I have little problem getting to sleep, but barely manage 4 hours. Meanwhile I started to encounter the panic attacks - severe palpitations, tighteness and burning across the chest. MY GP has prescribed propanalol (beta blocker) 3 x 40 mg per day. This has helped a lot. However, yesterday, as a result of finding this website, I tried Bach remedy and I have to say it helped a great deal with the burning sensation, and the effect was pretty much immediate. You can but it in Tesco and it isn't expensive.

    It hasn't helped that the menopause has just hit me 'big time'; I've gone from a woman who rarely visited the doctor or needed medication of any kind, to somebody who could well buy a seaon ticket for the surgery.

    The insomnia is worsened by the palpitations/tightness/burning sensation. HOWEVER, had my best night last night for sometime. Glass of warm milk, zimavane, beta blocker, and last of all, the Bach remedy -
    over the course of 30 minutes before turning out the lights. I hope over the coming weeks/months, to wean myself off the sleeping tablet and beta blocker, and just use the Bach remedy and warm milk. The warm milk apparently contains tryptophan which the body converts to 5-HTP which is the pre-cursor for seratonin (the feel-good substance released in the brain.) Oats, bananas, dates, milk, yoghourt,
    cottage cheese, fish, sesame, chick peas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and peanuts apparently also contains tryptophan. 5-HTP is available in capsule form from the health food shops but it is very expensive.

    As you can probably guess, I've been on the net trying to discover all sorts of remedies, and any help available with dealing with the panic attacks/anxiety (hence the comments about seratonin etc). I have found this website particularly helpful. Wikipedia is also very good.

    Thankfully, my husband has been very supportive - it was actually him who found the website, and the info abo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Sandi,
    What you have described is very similar to what i have been feeling. It is only recently that i have had to look at the issues behind it to understand it.. I don`t like it and so far it has taken over me, Hav ehad a really tough weekend and don`t know where to go from here?
    Unfortunatly i have to wait until Thursday to see my GP. It just feels like i can`t control it and i hate it!!!
    I don`t suppose you have any tips once i see my GP, and what to say to them?? How can it be controlled and understood properly?



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello Max

    Sorry to hear how bad you are feeling. It's good you've discovered this website - it really is packed full of information - particularly the First Steps pages. If you read as much as you can in the forums, message boards, etc, you'll probably end up with more information and understanding than your GP. My young, male GP believes in 'tough love'; as a result he is being quite circumspect in his treatment - wants to see me every 2 weeks, won't over-prescribe, only gives me 14 zimavane after a thorough consultation etc. He has twice (during the early part of my treatment), asked if I've felt suicidal. I've tried to be honest and intelligent with him and I think he has responded accordingly. I think it has helped that on 2 occasions my husband has been with me - our way of letting the GP know that I am being supported. I would suggest that if it is at all possible, you request a 20 minute appointment, or as long as the surgery staff are permitted to offer. Is there anyone you feel able to have with you for the appointment?

    Perhaps you could spend a little time between now and Thursday making a list of symptoms with related questions. If he offers you any medication ask him to explain exactly what it is being prescribed for, potential side-effects, dependancy issues etc.

    The female GP who prescribed me Prozac, didn't take the time to say it would possibly make me feel worse before I felt better. Consequently, when I was bouncing off the walls, suffering dreadfully from disturbed sleep etc, I just thought I was getting worse or suffering severe side-effects. Had she said that this would probably happen and that they would moderate and I would feel better, I would probably have stuck with the Prozac and perhaps be feeling better now. Instead, I stopped after about 10 days. I was by that time so tired and jittery, the young male GP prescribed me a small amount of valium for a few days in order to calm me.

    The issues causing my stress are still very much ongoing; I'm sure the panic attacks and anxiety will continue until they are resolved. I have just got to learn how to cope with them. Having 'googled' panic attacks, I've found some comprehensive websites with details of good coping mechanisms. Because I know have a better understanding of the anxiety/panic attacks cycle, I hope I will cope better.

    Hope the above helps. Let us know how the appointment works out.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Unfortunatly the Drs here don`t have 20 mins slots. But as your advise says - Look for info on this website and take notes to similar issues and problems that co-inside with anxiety etc. Even better that i have a low support worker whom is able to join me at my appiontment. It has been a while since seeing this specific Dr, though i am sure she would understand what i am going through...
    I am generally one step ahead to look for advise, but this time round i am worrying too much. Paraniod nothing will come of it?? Prob as i am over tired and can`t sleep at all since opening up on friday.?!
    What is zimavane? Does it work? Short term/long term?



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