Hi Grover

I had this very same thing you mentioned a few months ago.
It got me very nervous and went to two opthamologists and a neuro opthamologist
The one instance occured on a bright sunny day. I got out of the car and went into the bank
As soon as I entered the bank I began to see spots as one would after a photo with a flash is taken.
Yes, I would occasionaly see an electric blue dot as well but extremely small in size
One of the doc's said that because I am blue eyed I am more sensitive to light thus the spots occur
Also may be due to being near sighted a lot ( poor distance vision)
As to the blue spot, she didnt say much at all other then " blue is ok." LOL
I had also had wavy or shaky vision on the perimeter of my eyes awhile back. Bright lights hurt me at thos times
I was told that was an occular migraine in other words a migraine or headache in the eyes
Also had flashing lights
One night ( this is funny) I had JUST left the opthamologist's office and went to church. he said if I got a flashing light to call him. Well, wouldn't you know it- I was not in church more then 10-15 mins when I saw a flashing light! I freaked- a few mins later another. I then heard what seemed to be thunder- yep, you got it, it WAS thunder!!!ROFL
On my way out I saw the light again and asked a young boy if that was lightening- yes, he assured me. LOL
You are fine, believe me
It is just that us anxious folks start with " what if" thinking and then our minds are off and running in catastrophe mode
I have asked non anxious people if they ever experienced this sympton or that one and they basically reply that IF they did they would ignore it
Igrnorance is bliss, I suppose
Do not worry
Have a Merry Christmas



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown