So the vet took another look at her today, free of charge, which was very nice of her. She said it's still too small to do anything about. She would want to avoid having to sedate her if possible and doesn't want to do unnecessary procedures. It's also still too small for the fine needle aspiration that she could just do easily without sedation. So she measured it, told us to use a ruler and if it gets to a certain size, to come back in.

I was still a bit nervous, as she mentioned it could be nothing or if it rapidly grows, could be a mast cell tumor, which is common in boxers (our dog is a boxer/beagle mix). She said she is very vigilant about those and was known as the mast cell tumor specialist in her previous practice, so that reassured me a bit that she wouldn't just let us go home and watch it if it was unsafe to do so.

I feel slightly better, so I guess we will just measure it weekly and hope it doesn't change too much.

One small frustration - I took her back today after she was seen last week because my husband was concerned it was growing and wants it just removed. He was working, so I called the vet who suggested she re-check it and we had the visit as I described above. I asked if he wanted to come and he gave me a bit of an attitude and said there wasn't any reason for both of us to go. But then I get home and give him the update, and he seemed a bit displeased that it didn't get removed today and kept saying it is growing. Part of me wanted to say "Well you should have come then instead of putting up a fight!" But decided it wasn't worth it. I'm not too upset, just needed a quick vent about it. Don't refuse to go, but then be concerned about the outcome and the questions I asked/didn't ask.