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Thread: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Firstly, I am so sorry for posting this, but I really need so wise words.

    I had to have an MRI scan on Monday last week and was a wreck waiting for results. On Friday, my doctor got the report and rang me with the results.

    The MRI was done after I asked for a scan. My doctor didn’t think I needed one, so compromised and wrote to the Neuro for advice on my symptoms. He wrote back and said to get an MRI done.

    When my doctor rang me she said “Everything is fine, nothing to worry about, now.” She then added that I go and have a good weekend. Finally she said that the next step was to send the report on to the Neuro as requested.

    At first I was so relieved. But then I thought about what she said at the end. Why did she need to send the report to the Neuro when I wasn’t even under one. Anyway I then rang my doctor back. I spoke to the receptionist, explaining the worry and she said my doc was on call, but that she would speak to her. I then got a call back from the receptionist who told me that she’d spoken to my doc. She said “The doctor said you’re fine, there’s nothing to worry about”.

    Now all I can think is whether the doc didn’t tell me the whole picture. Is there something that is on there but she didn’t want me worrying all weekend? Why send it to Neuro who I’m not under. Why didn’t she say my results were normal?
    I can’t rationalise my thinking. Can the doctor leave something out? Like, if there was nothing major on the scan, can she leave out the smaller things? Or can she avoid telling me if there was a BT, so that I don’t have the weekend going crazy?

    My last worry is that, maybe she doesn’t understand the report and so will miss something?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    I would think that the fact that she had to contact the neuro for advice means she wil have to follow up with him and give him the results, as professional courtesy.
    If she told you (twice ) all is fine, it is. These days no doctor keeps things back. Can you imagine how much you could sue for if she told you you're fine and you're not?
    As for not understanding the report, what were all those years at med school for?
    Please don't worry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Your report obviously said all was normal. Having had many mri scans of my spine and having copies of repoer i know they always err on side of mentioning any little thing they are not sure of.
    As its been via the nhs then i assume the scan was authorised via the neuro as gps are extremely restricted in ordering mri scans. My health authority will only allow gps to order lumbar spine and knee mris so your gp has to send the report to the neuro who authorised the scan even if the report is completely normal. Hope this puts your mind at rest

  4. #4
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Thank you both for responding.

    Country Girl - I had the MRI done privately, however that was after the Neuro advised my doc I take the MRI. I was referred vis NHS, but didn’t want to wait.

    I just keep thinking that maybe the doctor decided not to tell me fully as she didn’t want to ruin my weekend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Quote Originally Posted by flatterycat View Post
    I just keep thinking that maybe the doctor decided not to tell me fully as she didn’t want to ruin my weekend.
    You honestly think that's how doctors work? Really?

    We've covered all this already and I'm not repeating myself. Please get professional help for your health anxiety. If you really can't get reassurance from a clear MRI then you're not going to get reassurance from anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Quote Originally Posted by flatterycat View Post
    I just keep thinking that maybe the doctor decided not to tell me fully as she didn’t want to ruin my weekend.
    Ok FCat... enough... you have NORMAL results. The doctor is doing a professional courtesy in forwarding the results to a Neuro that his office obviously was in contact with concerning your case.

    Finally, why the hell would a doctor hold back information and open himself up for liable? That's beyond irrational! As far as ruining your weekend? That's up to you isn't it?

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #7
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    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Thanks everyone

    I agree with your words. I am seeking help. I know how completely bonkers I sound.

    I have suffered with anxiety since I was about 6 years old, over 40 years. It’s ruined so many times in my life. Despite this I have managed to do well in my job as a deputy headteacher and have a wonderful family.

    When it comes to other people I am calm, logical and never irrational, but when I’m in the grips like this, I lose myself. I was doing pretty well up until last summer. Then after a miscarriage, watching my nan die and a scare with a breast lump (genuine) I haven’t been right. If I’m honest the anxiety has been there, building in the background. My focus has always been the fear that I have a BT and, even though that fear should have been alleviated now, I still feel anxious. It’s like my mind needs something to latch on to...a reason to feel anxious. Logically i have been able to say...I’m anxious BECAUSE I have symptoms and I believe I have a BT. Having a REASON to be anxious makes sense to me.

    Anyway, thank you for your responses. I really appreciate them.

    Sarah x

  8. #8
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Quote Originally Posted by flatterycat View Post
    It’s like my mind needs something to latch on to...a reason to feel anxious. Logically i have been able to say...I’m anxious BECAUSE I have symptoms and I believe I have a BT. Having a REASON to be anxious makes sense to me.
    Glad to read you're seeking help.

    Just some armchair psychology here but what you said here affirms an observation I have about anxiety disorders. I equated it to being in an abusive co-dependent relationship. It's certainly not beneficial in any way but it's what you've come to know and expect. Might be an interesting subject to look into as to why you engage the thought process.

    Positive thoughts

    ADDED: I took a look and saw that you've had a rather good spell as up until recently, you've been off the boards for a while so you're obviously doing something right Draw from that. This is just a blip.
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 14-01-18 at 13:00.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    I think, if it is normal, as you say, the reason the MRI is being sent back may be administrative because of the diagnosis has been done in part by the NHS and in part by a private healthcare provider.

    Have I picked up your timeline correctly?

    You go to doctor, they ask NHS neuro for advice. They recommend an MRI and you are put in the waiting list. You dont want to wait so access private healthcare for your MRI. Neuro there says its fine, your doc, tells you its fine. But is sending it on to neuro NHS? If that is the case it is probably so you can be removed from the NHS waiting list. Private health care providers and NHS hospitals do not share the same computer systems, things have to be past back and forward old school.

  10. #10
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    Re: Doubting what doctor has told me about my MRI results

    Thanks Toddmum.

    Basically the Neuro advised my doc to send me for an MRI scan.
    I was referred urgently but still could not wait, so chose to get it done privately.
    My doctor sent the referral to the private MRI department and I had it done.
    The results were sent back to my GP after the radiologist checked my scans.
    I was never under a Neuro. The only link was that my GP didn’t want to send me for a scan, but compromised by writing to the Neuro for advice, to which he said get a scan done. I am not on any waiting lists.

    The private aspect was just the scan.

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