Hi LockedShut,

I don't quite know how to follow the above responses but I'll try (they were so good). Absolutely no-one on this earth is too good for you. He was your friend first and will remain so. You are lucky to have such good friends. I understand that you are depressed right now but when you lay in bed at night try to think of at least 3 good things that you have in your life. Now I know this can be difficult but sometimes it helps.

As for your parents, try and talk to them. Sit them down and look them in the eye and talk to them. Sometimes we parents are so busy with our own lives we honestly think our children (and I don't mean to offend you with that word I still call my 21 year old a child), are really doing well when they aren't. What you need is open communication with them right now.

I don't know how old you are but here in the States they are trying not to recommend giving young people anti-depressants even to the age of 21. That might be the reason your doctor is trying to keep you at a low dosage, I just don't know.

I think it is good that you want a family. That signifies that you are looking towards your future, a good thing in my opinion. I too suggest counseling if you can somehow manage it again, if they don't call you back, you call them. Be aggressive in your treatment, these days you have to be.

I wish nothing but the best for you. If you can manage it try to get out for short walks during the day, it will honestly make you feel better.

Also, the chatroom is always a great place to go to when you are feeling down, laughter is the best medicine. Plus, there are those who have been there and those that are there now that can help you.

Hope I have been of some assistance.

Hugs to you,


"Our thoughts are our reality"