I'm going to reactivate this thread, if you don't mind, because I have a sort of similar issue.

Friday night my boyfriend had a friend round. They went out for a few drinks and then his friend stayed over. He told me in the morning that his friend had been sick in the early hours and was still unwell.

I said I didn't want to see him in case he caught it. I didn't see him Saturday but yesterday (Sunday) he persuaded me that he was fine so I went over there.

I stayed over but he woke me up at 3am when I'd not been asleep long and said he'd been sick. He blamed it on indigestion. I freaked out and got my stuff and left. He messaged me this morning saying he was ill through the rest of the night.

I'm terrified. I knew I should have stayed away longer. Now I've got to wait at least 48 hours in constant fear that I'm going to get sick. I am too scared to eat anything or go out.

I've read that someone is only contagious once symptoms start, but I kissed him earlier in the evening and had close contact.

Does anyone have anything they can reassure me with? Calming techniques for dealing with nausea? I'm sitting here with hand sanitiser and everything. I have IBS and acid reflux as well so my stomach is upset quite a lot and I can kind of deal with the other end of it but the emetophobia is unbearable and nausea causes me constant panic. I'm home alone here all week with no distractions from the fear of getting sick.