Quote Originally Posted by lm48 View Post
If your chest has been checked and deemed fine and you have no other symptoms the chance of you having a PE is slim to none. That is fact not opinion. People with untreated PEs have severe symptoms and wouldn’t be be sitting writing forum posts they would be in A&E. Yes there are 1 in a million people like your friend, but they are the exception not the norm. Or else we’d constantly be told to check minor chest pain and death rates from undiagnosed PE would hit the papers.
I know, it probably doesn't help the kind of day I had where I just felt like giving up on everything, sometimes it just feels like my world is caving in and I'm struggling to get through each day.

I'm trying to rationalize my thoughts, it's very hard the state I've been in the last couple of days, and today was a living nightmare, it's surprising how one thing goes wrong and then everything else crumbles around you.

Thanks lm48, hope I haven't given you a headache with this stuff, I don't mean too, and today well, it's pushed me to the limit of what I can take to be honest, where all I can see is that black hole.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
Maybe have a re-read of Scass' response? She just asked you a polite question- she was in no way "mad" at you.

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

You mustn't see yourself as a victim on this thread.
I'm honestly not seeing myself as a victim, I just don't want anyone being mad at me, it literally tears me apart even when someone gets annoyed with me. Because I come here often, I just don't want anyone disliking me or finding me unbearable. I care a lot, very much.