
I have suffered from GAD/panic attacks on and off for the last 20 years.

After an 8 year spell free from symptoms, the last two years have been a nightmare.

My GP has been quite good, and although I refused the diazepan, he did get me on a course of CBT which is proving very useful.

However, I feel I want to "speed things up a bit", and also cure my ridiculous fear of the dentist, and would love to try hypnotherapy.

Has anybody used it in conjuction with CBT, do the two therapies work well together, and also how do you find a good one?

I live in the middle of Derbyshire, and don't want to travel too far. The internet lists about six or seven different organisations alone, and I am confused - who are the governing bodies.

I'm sorry if I've gone on for a long time, but I will be paying for this myself, so want to make sure I don't waste it!

Thank you for reading this - any advice gratefully received.

C L Parkin