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Thread: emetophobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hello, new to this site. I suffer from anxiety and depression after the birth of my children but mostly its the emetophobia (fear of vomiting) thats destroying my life. Especially when we're in the car as I don't travel well at all. Trust me to marry a man whose family live all over the country! He's been very supportive so far, but has admitted that he finds me frustrating. So to add to all that low self esteem, I fear that my marriage will end if I don't get better. Do any of you feel under pressure to 'hurry up and be normal'?


    S L Williams

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Sarah

    Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll find lots of great info here. In response to your problem I think the more you worry about getting better soon the worse you will be as the anxiety builds up.

    If your husband has been supportive so far it's unlikely he will give up on you now. Maybe you could get your husband to read some literature on your phobia (which is very common)to help him understand what you are feeling.

    It'd also help you to go the doctor and try and get a course of cognitive behaviour therapy which is great for phobias and helps train you into new positive patterns of thought.

    Let me know how you get on!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Sarah

    Welcome to the site :-)

    There is another post about emetophobia. Have you read that too? some good advice on it?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello to everyone thats replied. I chatted to my husband about things and he hadn't realised I'd worried about what he'd said! oh well! I'm feeling a little more positive thanks to my counsellor and resuming taking anti-depressants. I even did some shopping today, something I try to avoid! My husband should be happy he's married to someone who actually doesn't like shopping!!!

    S L Williams

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hello everyone. This is my first post and boy am i glad i found this place.

    It is so boosting to find people in a similar boat to you. I too fear being i was prescribed beta blockers but is this a way around the problem instead of tackling it head on, or is hypnotherapy the way to go?



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Ben,

    Welcome to the site, I hope you've had a good hunt about and already read many of the posts on betablockers.

    Beta blockers will help the symptoms not feel so aggressive and extreme ie stop your heart racing , breathlessness but will not change what caused this - so the best way forward it to get some kind of help CBT is the one of choice - or hypnotherapy and resolve whatever caused your anxiety under the cover of betablockers so when you do come off - slowly ! you are better able to cope with those stresses again.


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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi, thanks for the welcome....i have put off the medication and 2mro i will force myself. I am worried about them making me lethargic or unwell.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Hiya Swiftler,

    you don't have to take the meds if you don't want to. There are other ways to get better. Have a scout about and look for relaxion/food tips. Medication may make the path steadier but you can do without if you really are not that keen, remember it is entirely your decision.

    Good luck whatever you decide


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hi sarah, im a 14 year old girl who has also got a fear of vomiting and other people vomiting. i am seeing a counsellor at my school but shes only working on getting me back. i hope when i am older i have an understanding husband like you have, but what i wish for most is not to have the fear at all. How long have you had your fear? i have had mine from the age of 3 and i havent got anywhere with dealing with it, well not really. i have this book about anxiety and it has self hypnosis in it called the 'alpha script' and i want to try it and i think that will help you except i cant think of what the book is called. maybe if you ask nicola she may give you my email address so we can talk properly, but only if you want to of course. i have another person the same age as me who i email nearly everyday and it helps us as we speak alot about our problems. another thing to do is to start a diary and write down your thoughts and feelings thats what i do. sometimes i write it in poetry too which also helps.
    Its nice to know someone knows what im going through. and it isnt if you get what i mean cause it is a terrible thing to worry about as its the way of life. do you ever go to a shopping centre and you see a baby whos just been fed and you dont want them to be ill but you keep looking at them just to see if they are. i do that and i absolutly hate putting myself through that.
    Merry Christmas and enjoy the new year all the way through. lots of love Rachel aka ratchit

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    ime so sad,that someone,as young as you,is suffering like this,life can be such a bitch sometimes.

    you really need proffesional councelling,such as cognitive behaviour therapy..these guys get you to change your thought patterns,from negative,to positive,and over a period of time,are very successful...keep posting on this site,my love,and everyone here will try to improve your life,they are sooo caring,and will advise you,every step of your way...stick with us,and we will help you..ive always advocated..little steps..cos i think that is the one way to succeed.

    ime going to remember your name....and i want you posting a success story,in march,dont let me down now,if you ever want to email me,its

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