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Thread: EMDR experiences

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    EMDR experiences

    My son is starting EMDR therapy next week and was warned that it could be pretty intense. His mental health is very fragile at the moment and I was just hoping that others could tell me about their experiences of EMDR and how it affected them afterwards?

    I know very little about PTSD treatment and I'm worried about the after effects. My son also has ASD and has been completely traumatised by his illness so I feel I need to know just what to expect.

    Any insight at all would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: EMDR experiences

    I haven't had EMDR, but I'm keeping it open as an option. I've heard great things about it, and it's approved by the APA for treatment of PTSD.
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    Thank you so much, Vee. That's a really informative and helpful review. It all sounds highly complex but at least I know that the psychologist we have chosen has years of experience behind him and works at a leading mental health hospital in London. It will be good when the first session has been completed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    Pulisa, might be worth a look for posts by drpattijane. She said she was a professional who used it (no idea how valid that is but her posts were very informative which is why I remember them whenever someone asks about EMDR) so it may give you some good ideas about it.

    I just searched to check her name and noticed a couple of older members who mentioned they have had EMDR too. SarahH (she left ages ago but I think she was a regular in your early years here as we joined at similiar times and I used to talk to her) mentions she had it for her PTSD caused by her job as a police officer. Also, swgrl mentioned it on one of the threads I just saw and I'm sure she would talk to you about it if she was on as regular as before but maybe a PM? Both of them said it was beneficial on the threads I just saw and I remember Sarah always saying it was good.

    I hope it helps him. He needs some positive move forwards right now...and you all need some stability

    Given how serious your son's mental state is they must be confident because trauma therapy must be hard going and he's surely fragile right now? I guess they will be very strictly monitoring how it affects him?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    Thanks for these suggestions, Terry. I'll certainly do some research on past threads.

    No there will be no monitoring post sessions. These are private therapy sessions and the CMHRS don't get involved. I doubt whether they have heard of EMDR anyway and they certainly have no interest. They can cope with moderate problems but nothing too complicated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    I think you'll find members on the PTSD section that have had EMDR. I was offered EMDR on a private basis, but didn't take it at the time. It's been very successful for some people. Hope you get some good responses on this thread. x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    That's a shame, pulisa. But perhaps the person delivering it will be doing this by assessing his responses in the sessions? I wondered because from others who go through reliving PTSD to treat it on here it sounds like it can be a hard process and I would have thought your son needs very careful monitoring right now.

    I'm sure should anything show you would be straight on it anyway but mental health treatment always feels like so much is put on the loved ones to watch out for when it's such a complex area.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    I'm terrified about the repercussions, Terry. I'm not sure about it at all because it could open another can of worms. Today has been a bad one so I'll have a chat with the psych and get his opinion. Thanks for the support.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: EMDR experiences

    You do need to be very careful with EMDR, depending on the nature, intensity and number of times trauma was experienced. It tends to be unsuitable (as far as I understand it) for conditions resulting in multiple personalities. You do have to be very careful with trauma therapy and find the right treatment for the right person.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: EMDR experiences

    In my personal opinion Pulisa, it could be playing with fire.
    I think it depends on the trauma, the nature of the person and circumstances.
    Only you and your son will be able to draw your own conclusions, not a therapist, because she will be working from a textbook and that's not real life! x

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