Hi Charlie 1108 I'm so glad u managed to eat something that's good even if it's small amounts xxc I'm glad u had a good chat with tour friend too talking helps xxxx I understand you being nervous I can only say do what feels right for u xxxx I'm not doing too good either tbh I'm having palpatations I think flips in my chest or goes really fast I'm also getting sudden bouts of extreme dizziness only for brief moments but it's there. Feeling totally fed up but I'm still.working through my book. I'm determined not to call my drs again as the last time they told me I could show signs of covid despite not going anywhere or no one in my household going anywhere in over 10nweeks at the time. Scared the life out of me I ended up.in bed for nearly 3 weeks with every symptom of anxiety I have ever experienced all at once. It was terrifying. So i am determined to try and be rational this time xxxxxxx hope u feel.better soon always here if u need anything x