Polly, I just wanted to say that your message really reached out to me. Yeah, I've got this thing too and was never sure if it was a common symptom or maybe my "higher self" trying to tell me something. Just wanted to say that your message kind of comforted me in an odd way, at least I know I'm not alone. Sucks though doesn't it?

Seems like a number of us have this issue. It's like last night when I was trying to sleep, I kept having this odd feeling like something bad could happen or something wasn't right. I didn't feel "normal", I guess. I had heart burn that for a time I mistook as a possible sign of heart attack or something. Ugh. Yeah, this is unpleasant, but it helps me if I just tell myself they're only symptoms and will pass. Up till now I wasn't sure if this was a common thing or not.

I haven't really had a bad panic attack in over two weeks, but last night was pretty rough. I don't know, I guess I could say I had a moderate panic attack but was able to calm myself down.

Ok, I'm ranting. Just wanted to say hang in there. Surely this will get better in time, I notice that when I'm out doing something or really focused on something I don't get that "anticipation" and this may be the same for you too. Distraction, see if you can find a focus to take your mind off of it. Excercise is a huge help too, I really can't advocate it enough.

Good luck and god bless you all,
