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Thread: Well here we go... 150mg

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thanks Maca, it sure does.

    Tough day yesterday but I got through it with no tears and no diazepam so that's a plus. Anxiety and agitation were fairly high all day and I did some pacing between working, I find I can't sit at the laptop working for long at a time. Felt quite strange last night, we watched some TV and had some dinner but I didn't feel all there, like it was difficult even thinking. Went to bed about 9.30 but laid there having a lot of health anxiety and it took me quite a while to drop off, did sleep through till 7 though.
    Anxiety this morning, mainly because i feel like i can't even think clearly. It's like a heaviness behind my eyes and in the middle of my forehead. Thinking is taking a lot of effort as my head feels very heavy, my body also feels like lead like even walking is an effort as my thighs feel like they have lead in them. I'm getting quite stressed with this today. This is all just so much and i'm so worried i am not going to get back to myself.... I can see some tears coming today.
    Ava x

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    Been scaring myself this morning though as I keep thinking that the past year I have been on these tablets that I haven't felt sad but I haven't felt happy either... Ian do you think this will change with the increase or that I will stay like this?
    Hard to say, Ava. Some people do find that an AD numbs their emotions, for others they become more intense and most remain about the same as they were before. It could also be that the dose was adequate for controlling the anxiety, but not enough to overcome any accompanying depression. SSRIs, and despite what it claims on the box venlafaxine is really only a SSRI, not SNRI, are more effective anxiety meds than they are anti depressives. Time will tell. If you continue to feel emotionally deflated even at higher doses then switching to another AD would be worth considering as they won't all be the same in that regard.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thank you Ian... I will keep that in mind with this increase. Im on just going up to 150 so I know there is more scope to go up further or try another med maybe when anxiety is more stable.

    I will update more in a few days as I am spending too much time reading everyone's threads on here and scaring myself so I think I need to stay off line totally as im googling venlafaxine constantly and symptoms etc.
    Take care all.
    Ava x

  4. #14
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    I will update more in a few days as I am spending too much time reading everyone's threads on here and scaring myself so I think I need to stay off line totally as im googling venlafaxine constantly and symptoms etc.
    A good idea, Ava. Support groups can be a two edged sword, especially when we're at our most vulnerable.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Just popped in for a quick update...
    Day 4 today, last 2 days have been difficult. Husband rang my boss yesterday and booked me a few days off. I managed the morning call but then went to pieces. Had a diazepam about 10 then did some writing in my journal. Went for a lay down from 1 till 3, I didn't sleep but I managed to lay there and breath. Its like I am awake but exhausted at the same time. Managed some tea and went upto bed about half 8 while hubby watched the rugby. Nodded off about half 9 and slept through till half 7 this morning. Today hasnt been a good one either... took the dog to groomers at half 8, had anxiety and was shake but coped ok. Came home and had a lie down for an hour as I felt exhausted. Went to Asda with the husband and it really went down hill... couldn't decide if I was dragging myself round or not, then started panicking about how much energy I had and if I was struggling to breath or not, did I have a pain in my chest? Was I struggling to walk? I then went into a full on bout of health anxiety and had to go outside and wait. Got home and took a diazepam. Keep repeating to myself that its only day 4. Only day 4. Hubby is just cooking tea then we are going to take the dog for a walk. This is so so hard! I'm praying this increase helps me.
    Take care all. Ava x

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    Went to Asda with the husband and it really went down hill... couldn't decide if I was dragging myself round or not, then started panicking about how much energy I had and if I was struggling to breath or not, did I have a pain in my chest? Was I struggling to walk? I then went into a full on bout of health anxiety and had to go outside and wait.
    What I'm reading is mostly you self-talking yourself into a highly anxious state and little about typical post increase side-effects apart from maybe the loss of energy. It's as if in the absence of any real symptoms your mind is trying to incite some. You need to find ways of short-circuiting/diverting these thought patterns, Ava.

    Keep repeating to myself that its only day 4. Only day 4.
    Which is 4 days closer to where you want to be and almost through the most vulnerable period after dose increases. It takes 5-6 days for sertraline plasma levels Correction sigh!: It takes 3-4 days for venlafaxine plasma levels to restabilize to a steady-state after a dose change. Side-effects and mental states tend to be at their most volatile while the levels are in flux.

    This is so so hard! I'm praying this increase helps me.
    I think you mind has decided to make it seem harder than it actually is. This increase may have been well overdue.
    Last edited by panic_down_under; 30-11-20 at 06:36.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hello day 5.... God this is brutal.
    I can really see how people throw the towel in on medication. I am defo feeling worse than before I started.
    Woke up at 6 this morning and felt like my body was burning, it was like heat on the outside of my skin in all different places. My mind also felt so out of it that I was struggling to string a sentence together. My body seems to switch between feeling like lead and jelly. I often feel like my legs won't support me but of course they always do. Constant physical anxiety that won't switch off, cant sit still, have to keep moving something. Obsessed with my body and thoughts 24/7. The temptation was there just to lay on the sofa deep breathing all day, it seems i can only really try and clear my mind and deep breath when I am laid down. I have got up however and am just running a bath, don't think I will be able to lay there but as long as it gets me clean that's the main thing. The out of it feeling has worn off now, just feel scared and anxious about the way I feel.
    Till later. Ava x

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    Woke up at 6 this morning and felt like my body was burning, it was like heat on the outside of my skin in all different places.
    This is a fairly common side-effect of serotonergic ADs. Serotonin is a signaling protein in the regulation of blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation, and ADs can interfere in this for a while initially and after dose changes. It will usually soon settle down, however, it can also increase skin photosensitivity and this tends to be ongoing so apply sunscreen if working outdoors in the brighter months of the year.

    My mind also felt so out of it that I was struggling to string a sentence together. My body seems to switch between feeling like lead and jelly. I often feel like my legs won't support me but of course they always do. Constant physical anxiety that won't switch off, cant sit still, have to keep moving something. Obsessed with my body and thoughts 24/7. The temptation was there just to lay on the sofa deep breathing all day, it seems i can only really try and clear my mind and deep breath when I am laid down. I have got up however and am just running a bath, don't think I will be able to lay there but as long as it gets me clean that's the main thing. The out of it feeling has worn off now, just feel scared and anxious about the way I feel.
    Till later. Ava x
    Does all this diminish/stop after taking a diazepam, Ava?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    No more panic - the diazepam just takes the edge of the physical symptoms as I know they are worse at the minute... I've only ever increased at 37.5mg at a time and its always the same, but when you are going through them at the time its so hard. The diazepam doesn't stop the mind effects of me looking for whats wrong. Even at the 112mg I was stable with no anxiety but still had the loops going in my mind a lot. I was OK because I at least cope when I don't have the physical anxiety.

    Well its day 6...
    I had my bath yesterday and walked the dog but had a melt down when I got back, tears and pacing. I took a diazepam and sat and spoke with my husband for an hour about everything. We then went to the tip and the supermarket. Came home and the agitation started about 3 o'clock... I took the dog out again then came home and paced about. It eased off about 7 and I laid on the sofa and half watched some TV... went to bed about half 9 and slept through till 7 this morning. I have an iapt assessment phone call for online NHS therapy at 2pm today. So im going to try and keep busy today and hope its a bit better than yesterday. Everyone is at work so I'm on my own. My dad is off work but can't even go round because of covid.
    Take care whoever is reading... Ava x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Good morning all...

    Yesterday I got up and took the dog on a mile long walk round the park, It was so difficult but I dragged myself round. Then did some pottering round. Had my cbt phone assessment yesterday and she said I qualify so she has referred me and I should get my online appointment within 2 weeks. Had a video call with my friend for half hour. Then took the dog out again. Had a bit more energy on this walk and wasn't dragging myself. Felt a bit lightheaded when I got home but that could be lack of food as I only managed a ham sarnie all day. Had some cottage pie and a few grapes and half watched some TV with my husband. Went to bed but it took me a couple of hours to go to sleep. I did sleep through till 7 this morning though. I woke up and my jaw was jutting outwards. Its really strange, like its doing it on its own.
    Today is day 7 so a full week done on the increase. Im going to get dressed soon and take the dog out... till later all. Ava x

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