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Thread: Afraid of losing my dog

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Afraid of losing my dog

    So, as background, my dog is a six year old Cocker mix. He's generally healthy but came from a hoarding situation where there was a lot of inbreeding occurring. I don't know what happened to the rest of his family.

    Because of that background, he has had some challenges. I got him at 8 weeks old, so despite having a really awful early life it isn't like he was abused for any length of time. But he's just a bit mentally off - he has severe anxiety and is reactive. His whole family had this issue, and so bad genes + bad early experiences has given me a dog that takes anxiety medication to reach some level of normal (and he doesn't quite). We've been through a lot. I've never been one to subscribe to the "fur mama" thing but he is absolutely my baby. I am very protective of him; we are very close.

    Anyway, about a year and a half ago he started having some mobility issues in various limbs. He had a front leg X-rayed, then about a year ago they X-rayed his back right leg. He was diagnosed with arthritis and a CCL tear (he's always had some funky stuff going on with his knees so it's not surprising). We had that repaired in May and so far, so good.

    A month or so ago his front right leg started giving him trouble. Vet said arthritis. He had previously been taking Carprofen for pain but it wasn't touching it, so we started Adequan injections and Codeine. The vet was just certain that with the Codeine he wouldn't feel pain. My memory may be off, but I swear I heard her say "if the Codeine doesn't help, something else may be going on".

    Well, he's still in pain. He limps pretty significantly and holds it up when he walks. I think it's in his paw because I accidentally touched his paw and he screamed. I'm calling the vet back at the end of this week because he needs more Adequan and I want to talk about what's going on and any supplements we can add (the vet gave us supplement treats but he hates them).

    It kills me to see him hurt. He's way too young to deal with all of this. But more than that, I'm having to remind myself daily that this is just an arthritis flare, because of course my own anxiety is saying it could be something worse. I've always had this awful gut feeling that I'm going to lose him too soon.

    I've lost pets before so I've definitely been here, but they've all been older before they had significant health issues. Just thinking about it makes me cry.

    There's not really any advice that can be given, I just needed to let it out.

    IMG_0116.jpgMy good boy
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Isn’t he a beauty!

    It’s so worrying and I’m sorry you’re going through it. Sounds like you are doing everything you can and getting good advice.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Hi Poppy, I don't think people who have never had a pet can really understand what they mean to us. I've heard pet owners say that losing their beloved dog or cat hits them harder or at least as badly as losing a fellow human. I know this personally to be true and with pets it is a very pure kind of love, as they generally don't come with all the other complexities that human to human love carries.

    We have a black labrador and she is fixated on me. Everywhere I go, she is sure to follow but she is getting on in years. So I dread that day. However, your dog is gorgeous and he's still with you, though I understand how worried you must be. He is a relatively young dog so he has that going for him. Hopefully it might be an increase in dose that he needs? Our lab was put on metacam two years ago after developing hip problems. Luckily it turned out she had only injured her hip rather than anything long term.

    Try to be positive if you can, not easy when you have anxiety though.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Thank you, both of you. Currently forcing myself to stop learning about all the horrible things that can cause bone/joint pain and preparing myself to just take notes on what to ask the vet about pain management. I just hate that he's relatively young - my other dogs with arthritis were all 10+ so naturally had slowed down a bit.

    Going to give him allllll the extra hugs and treats.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Our boy just turned ten and the reality of his life is sinking in. This breed of cat (Pixie Bob) lives typically 12-15 years and I've had him since he was 8 years old. Fortunately, he's been very healthy through the years but I can see the age starting to show a bit here and there. Talk to your vet about adding glucosamine chondroitin. I take it for arthritis and I know many pet owners have had positive results adding it to their diets.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Quote Originally Posted by .Poppy. View Post
    IMG_0116.jpgMy good boy
    He's a heart-stealer for sure!

    I've had three dogs take their journey over 'Rainbow Bridge' and it never gets any easier. My lurcher girl is 11 now and she's visibly becoming 'old'. Those once bright eyes are starting to cloud a bit and she sleeps more than she did, so I know the time will come when I have to say goodbye to her too. But, all my dogs have been old when they've passed. I can't imagine losing a younger dog, and none of mine had physical issues when young. Mental issues, yes, because they were rescue dogs, but otherwise healthy.

    I'm very sorry you're going through this..

    There are many things that you cannot control, (like health) but you can give your boy love, cuddles and Bonios and cherish every moment that he is with you. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    I can totally understand your concern. We love them so much,and never want to think of any pain they are going thro.
    My dog is now 10yr, I swear I don't know where the time went, it only feels like I just bought her home.
    My thoughts also go there,that I can't imagine her not being here with me. She's been the one that has kept me going.So I don't know how I will ever be without her.
    I've had dogs all my life, also from rescue centres...and they have been so important in my life, my little nuggets of joy being in my life.
    But this dog now, I've never known such a sweet and soft dog as her ever before...I sometimes remind her...'you are a dog you know' ,all my dogs hold special meaning and love in my heart.
    We know they have their own individual character, and I often smile at memories I have of them, tho also little stab of pain. But I still talk about them, they will not go and we have to act like, oh that was the past, as often ppl except us to do.
    No they will never leave us, not from our memories, heart or love...that will always continue.
    I'm so sorry for what your little un is going through, but remember, as I do the one we rescued more so, but for them all...
    With your boy, you have given and shown him love, kindness and feeling safe...that is so special, and something he got from you to enjoy.
    You have given him love,which he deserved, give him a loving home, that is the best you can do for any pet.
    And, without doubt you will continue do so, just love him ,hug him lots.
    You'll always do the best you can for him, it's terrible to see them in pain, if you could take the pain from them, we would in a heartbeat.
    I am now the kind that will not something go if I feel there's more there. I would keep going to vet, keep asking to try something diff, that there must be something else,
    if they say 'we've given best medicine, anything else would not do much difference, I'd understand, but I would be a real pain in the butt and ask to try it anyways...I have even felt little embarrassed myself, as I knew they'd think, 'Oh not her again'. I don't care ,I keep goin till he gets the chance of some other painkiller and relief if he will let you put heated pads on his joints ,even if only for little while during the day,maybe if he's sat beside you cuddled in.
    But, always remember what you give him, just as he has given you.
    Thats way I look at my little one. I hold her and ask her to never leave me, I can't be without her.
    But, give as much love,time and hugs to him.
    It's sad and empty when they go that's deff truth. We all grieve so much...but you learn to live with it. And where poss, get another dog, I know the feeling of guilt for feeling you've let someone take their place...but for me, my dog is now pain free and running through fields,with other friends...looking down and always still around.
    After the love and caring you show him, he knows and it also gives it to another dog who may also have never known it.
    I will prob get an older dog, as I'm not getting any younger, ahem. But also breaks my heart whose owner has passed and it doesn't understand how its lost its best friend and home, only to be in a kennel and scared and worried.
    I'd love to give a home to those.
    I'm so sorry I'm talking so often past tense.. its not the past here and now,so you're doing all you can for him because of the love you have for him. Keep seeing what can be done to help, and keep him as comfortable as possible.
    Sorry past tense, think that's cause I'm feeling it too with my little darling.
    You are doing all you can...just also give him hugs and lots of cuddles.
    I'm thinking of him, and sending him the biggest, huggles, fuss and kisses...
    They are worth every second of it, and if you've given them a loving safe home, you've given him something so important that he may never had the chance of. So to know youre giving him love is the main thing.
    Sorry, if I've made this post ,way too long, and knowing me, prob repeated myself so often.
    But, when it comes to our babies/little uns..for them alone it's worth it.
    Sending love and keeping you both in my thoughts...

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Thank you so much, all of you. You have no idea what your kind words mean to me.

    It's been a long, rough year in a lot of ways so that is making it even harder to cope with certain things, including my pup's issues. I just feel like when I'm down and sad, it makes it so much worse to see him feeling down too.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Afraid of losing my dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    That's really sweet Lola.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

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