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Thread: Quick question

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Quick question

    Is anafril sedating? Have you ever used it? I was tempted for that one only cause there was no hair loss. The cancer thing only bothered me. Thx again. So they all cause massive hunger? Thats why I'm going off mirtazipine, also on olanzapine. I'm a male. If I do get hair loss from any of them I wonder if it can go away/calm down after a few weeks of treatment. I will admit I am very confused on what one to pick. I either get hair loss/ana/rheumatoid or cancer. There is none with side effects I like. Mirtazapine only caused massive eating and no other problems :( I wish they weren't so negative in side effects. Are you sure the ana/rheumatoid factor isnt a risk of getting the autoimmune. I know you answered it before but I just want to double check with your opinions. Thank you for being so patient with me, I do not want to tire you.

    A part of my wants amitriptyline but I just dont know. Another part of me wants anafril or imaprimine. And then my last part doesn't want any because of those side effects we have spoken about.Ocd and anxiety are horrible combos to have as a disorder :( To sleep I take 30mg mirtazapine, 25mg olanzapine, 100 mg trazadone and 10 mg melatonin.

    So whatever pick is going to have to be potent as my mirtazapine is. (I think mirtazapine is where the hunger issues are coming from, I keep sleep eating due to the cravings lol. meaning I wake up to eat a shit ton of foods and pass back out lol.)I still dont sleep well. Hard to fall asleep and then the eating wakes me up Not sure if its olanzapine or mirtazapine causing it lol. All I know is a cup of nuts dosed in olive oil usually stops the late night eating.

    He gave me the option (either switching mirtazapine to 1 or those 3. Or going from olanzapine to ziprasdone. He says there is no way to know which is causing the hunger until we change 1 med and see) ziprasadone was not as scary for side effects lool. But my theory is its mirtazapine doing the hunger but who knows.

    If I start to annoy just let me know.This discussion has been helpful.Closer to picking lol
    Last edited by SEANML; 20-12-20 at 18:32.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Quick question

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    Is anafril sedating? Have you ever used it? I was tempted for that one only cause there was no hair loss. The cancer thing only bothered me.
    No, I haven't tried clomipramine and it is likely to be less sedating than amitrityline.

    So they all cause massive hunger? Thats why I'm going off mirtazipine, also on olanzapine.
    Both mirtazapine and olanzapine trigger carbohydrate cravings, especially the mirtazapine. Some on it will literally eat sugar out of of the bag by the spoonful while on it. Amatriptyline can also trigger carb cravings, not quite as bad as mirtazapine, but still to some extent, imipramine and clomipramine usually much less so.

    I'm a male.
    Congratulations. You almost certainly won't get breast fibroadenoma, which is not cancerous, because male's lack the fibro-glandular tissue in their breasts in which it grows. The exceptions are the rare males who have gynecomastia, a hormonal imbalance with high levels of oestrogen, or are undergoing oestrogen therapy for gender reassignment, or as part of the treatment for prostrate cancer. So unless you need to be wearing a C cup bra you're chances of developing fibroadenoma from taking clomipramine are roughly the same as you being able to fly to the Moon by flapping your arms.

    If I do get hair loss from any of them I wonder if it can go away/calm down after a few weeks of treatment.
    In the unlikely event this occurs it will continue as long as you take the med and will resolve only when you stop. If it happens switching to either amitriptyline or imipramine should fix the problem.

    I will admit I am very confused on what one to pick. I either get hair loss/ana/rheumatoid or cancer There is none with side effects I like.
    No! The only one of those that could be a risk is temporary hair loss. You are less likely to get ANA, or rheumatoid than if you didn't take amitriptyline, and it is almost impossible for you to get fibroadenoma, which is not cancer, from clomipramine. You are worrying about nothing.

    Mirtazapine only caused massive eating and no other problems :( I wish they weren't so negative in side effects. Are you sure the ana/rheumatoid factor isnt a risk of getting the autoimmune. I know you answered it before but I just want to double check with your opinions.
    Yes. That is what studies show.

    A part of my wants amitriptyline but I just dont know. Another part of me wants anafril or imaprimine. And then my last part doesn't want any because of those side effects we have spoken about.Ocd and anxiety are horrible combos to have as a disorder :( To sleep I take 30mg mirtazapine, 25mg olanzapine, 100 mg trazadone and 10 mg melatonin.
    Why such a high dose of trazodone? It is more sedating at lower doses.

    He gave me the option (either switching mirtazapine to 1 or those 3. Or going from olanzapine to ziprasdone. He says there is no way to know which is causing the hunger until we change 1 med and see) ziprasadone was not as scary for side effects lool. But my theory is its mirtazapine doing the hunger but who knows.
    It is almost certainly the mirtazapine and your GP should know that. As for ziprasidone that is not a long-term solution as tolerance builds quickly. I think all you need is a TCA, pick one out of a hat if you can't decide which, and if insomnia continues to be a problem replace all the other meds you're on with promazine. They use that to sedate horses for surgery! And if you have never been assessed at a sleep clinic then ask your GP to refer you to one.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Quick question

    I take 100mg trazadone for sleep (was 200) I am almost comfortable with saying that the only 1 of the 3 that will work is amitrip. (Due to the fact that it would be the only sedating one) Going on the others I feel is a waste of side effects due to the fact that they do not sedate.

    I went to a sleep clinic I use a sleep apnea machine and he thinks I goto bed at the wrong time for my circadian. rhythm.

    I am close to picking amitrip I just have to accept some how that it wont cause the ana/rheumatoid and hair loss is a gamble.(you get it or you dont) and you kept your hair. Did you use amitrip ever? Not sure if I asked. You say the hunger wont be as bad as mirtazapine so that is attractive.

    The other part of me wants to but my dr to give me other solutions for sleep ( the dr prescribing these meds is a sleep dr/but was a phychiatrist.)

    *promazine is a no lol I googled it sadly :( Cancer endometrial adenocarcinoma I will try harder to not google but its hard. But yes I need to figure it out and I feel without mirtaz I will not sleep unless its amitrip. Id rather stay on mirtazapine but sleep eating is linked to alot of health problems too (but such an easy side effect with me other then weight gain) Id rather be fat before I go bald.
    Last edited by SEANML; 21-12-20 at 10:30.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Quick question

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    promazine is a no lol I googled it sadly :( Cancer endometrial adenocarcinoma
    You have a womb? Endometrial adenocarcinoma is cancer of the lining of the womb, the endometrium.

    I will try harder to not google but its hard.
    You don't have the knowledge to evaluate what you are reading, so all you're doing is scaring yourself needlessly.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Quick question

    I am seeing this now. That i cannot interpret things online.

    What tca did you use to solve your problems? Do you have ocd/anxiety? Sorry if this is too personal
    Have you ever taken promazine? The side effects are favorable for me (tempted to ask my dr for that instead) Just not sure if that is a safe option. But not sure if it exists in canada lol.
    Argh I want to turn off this worry about hair loss/ana/rhematoid amitrip I took before for a few weeks before I started worrying.Where did you see that it may prevent them?What I read is that antidepressants effect the immune system (but they are still no sure how)

    Also is there a big difference between the sedation in amitrip and the other too anafril and imaprimine? A part of me thinks I should just take imaprimine because there is no immune system "issues" but im afraid I wont sleep ever lol. I really want to take amitrip but that immune thing is really turning me off.

    I just realized I am going in circles argh sorry. I will try to stop the broken record as I put it
    Last edited by SEANML; 21-12-20 at 17:26.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Quick question

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    I take 100mg trazadone for sleep (was 200)
    Trazodone is most sedating at 25-50mg and, ime, the highest dose at which it is still reasonably effective as a sleep aid is 75mg. Above that most don't find it effective. How long were you on 200mg and did it seem to help with anxiety when you were taking that much?

    What tca did you use to solve your problems? Do you have ocd/anxiety?
    It took imipramine for panic disorder for about 8 years and have been on another TCA, dosulepin, since 1995. It isn't available in Canada.

    Also is there a big difference between the sedation in amitrip and the other too anafril and imaprimine?
    On paper, yes. Amitriptyline is a significantly more potent histamine receptor blocker than clomipramine and imipramine.

    A part of me thinks I should just take imaprimine because there is no immune system "issues"
    There aren't any with amitriptyline either. You need to get over that nonsense.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Quick question

    I never noticed anything with trazadone, it just is a minor sleep aid (with little effects) I went down to 100 because I was told in emergency that higher doses dont sedate.

    So are you saying if I take 50mg I may sleep better?

    Was hoping imaprimine was a sedative, I was more comfy to try that one. And you having all your hair and not auto immunes is reassuring :P

    I wish there was other meds, and i wish mirtazapine wasn't such a hungry drug.

  8. #18
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Quick question

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    So are you saying if I take 50mg I may sleep better?
    It is likely to be more sedating than 100mg is. Whether it will make a huge difference will only be determined by trying it, but okay it with your doctor first.

    Was hoping imaprimine was a sedative, I was more comfy to try that one. And you having all your hair and not auto immunes is reassuring :P
    Anxiety/depression is itself arguably an autoimmune disease. One that nukes brain cells in the two hippocampal regions of the brain. ADs work by reversing the cell loss. There is also evidence that anxiety/depression increases the risk of other autoimmune disorders such as lupus and that antidepressants may lower that risk.

    As I said earlier in this thread, doing nothing is probably the worst of your options.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Quick question

    So what you are trying to say is take amitrip or something because living the way I am currently is not a healthy option. And in the long run without the medication I will cause more harm than the med itself.? Just trying to make sure I understand.

    And you truly think the worst side effect I may get is hair loss none of this auto immune stuff? I know when I took ami before I just never knew the side effects. All I know is my pains were not as bad.

    Still rather take imaprimine but you say it wont sedate much grrrr also gained a fair amount of weight on mirtaz. I heard amitrip will cause weight gain. More reason to do imaprimine. But once again I need something for sleep, Not sure if I should ask the dr for more ideas. I already have angered him with how picky I am.
    Last edited by SEANML; 22-12-20 at 16:55.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Quick question

    Quote Originally Posted by SEANML View Post
    So what you are trying to say is take amitrip or something because living the way I am currently is not a healthy option.
    Yes. Exactly.

    And in the long run without the medication I will cause more harm than the med itself.? Just trying to make sure I understand.
    Quite likely. Stress is the leading cause of premature death because it sets in train the maladies that take us out including heart disease and cancers. The sooner it is bought under control the better. It doesn't have to be medication. Therapy can be very effective too.

    And you truly think the worst side effect I may get is hair loss none of this auto immune stuff?
    In the unlikely event there is hair loss it would be temporary. If it happens then switching to another TCA will probably resolve it. As for the "auto immune stuff" the evidence doesn't show that amitriptyline adversely impacts the immune system, just the opposite.

    I know when I took ami before I just never knew the side effects. All I know is my pains were not as bad.
    Ignorance is bliss. Stay away from Dr Google. It is almost always wrong and is far more likely to harm you than your real doctor would.

    I heard amitrip will cause weight gain. More reason to do imaprimine. But once again I need something for sleep,
    Unfortunately, that is the dilemma. What promotes sleep may also cause weight gain. Amitriptyline shouldn't stimulate your appetite as much as mirtazapine, but it may also be a little less sedating.

    Not sure if I should ask the dr for more ideas. I already have angered him with how picky I am.
    Tough. Doctors are not the minor gods many see themselves as. They are the hired help. Someone we pay, either directly, or via taxes, for their knowledge and the first rule of business is the customer is always right. That said, much of your 'pickiness' is based on ignorance. You draw conclusions based on data you don't really understand and from what you've posted here you almost always get it wrong. Even worse when your conclusion is shown to be unsupported by the facts you continue to cling to it anyway. You're still clinging to the immune stuff like a tar-baby, for example, unwilling/unable to let it go. You are only hurting yourself with this. If you don't trust your doctor then get another if you can and then resist second guessing them on the treatment proposed. They know a lot more about it than you do and causing you harm is not in their best interest.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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